CZECH REPUBLIC - detailed description

"This project has been funded
with support from the European Commission. This publication
reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made
of the information contained therein."

Group 1 (December 2007-March 2008).
Profile of learners: people of Roma origin,
from socially excluded areas, age 20 -60, mostly women,
and some men presented. The common features - Roma origin,
mostly unemployed, facing existential difficulties, experiencing
discrimination by the society and social exclusion.
The group included women harmed by coercive sterilization. These women were
sterilized against their will either during the communist era as a result of
the communist systematic methodology aiming to reduce birth rate among socially
excluded, mostly Roma community, or after the downfall of the communism as
a result of distorted medical practice. Second part of the beneficiaries involved
parents from socially excluded background whose children were taken away by
the authorities due to insufficient conditions and not enough financial support
for the children.
Participants agreed that they would like to reflect their feelings – longing
for children and discrimination by the society in their artwork.
Curriculum >>>
17.01.2008 >>>
27.02.2008 >>>
06.03.2008 >>>
12.03.2008 >>>
Group 2 Group 2 (April - September 2008)
The profile of a group: socially excluded individuals
from Ostrava location (Ostrava / Marianske Hory), age 18
- 60, mainly women and some men. Common features - Roma
origin, mostly women on maternity leave and unemployed
people who struggle with existential problems and have
experiences with discrimination and social exclusion.
The life standard of the participants is low as a result of lower level of
education. These people have finished only a basic school and that is the main
reason why they face difficulties on the employment market. Some of the participants
have serious problems with reading and writing and this fact contributes to
their low self-esteem. They have never participated in any educational courses,
workshops or any other form of education, which would contribute to their personality
development. This group needs to meet in a friendly atmosphere, to be comfortable
and safe and to feel that others respect them and believe in their abilities.
The group agreed that they would like to somehow express
their feelings, present their culture, habits and also
Roma history. They would like to point out the problem
of discrimination in today's society in their natural artistic
28.04.2008 >>>
02.05.2008 >>>
05.05.2008 >>>
26.05.2008 >>>
02.06.2008 >>>
05.06.2008 >>>
06.06.2008 >>>
04.07.2008 >>>
07.07.2008 >>>
18.07.2008 >>>