Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting
the needs of vulnerable social groups

Life Together
Artistic Unit
Introduction to the project
Subject of the unit |
Competences (key Lisbon competences) |
Practical skills |
Pedagogical aim |
Methods |
Didactic materials |
Duration and date |
Introduction n to the projectDefining
needs of the group |
It is introductory meeting , so it does not focus
on developing competencies yet |
Expressing of the opinion in front of the group |
To raise interest of the group in participating
on the project |
Discussion, asking for opinions and suggestions
of the individuals on the project realization |
Not used |
3 hours (3x 45 minutes)17.01.2008 |
1. A description of the activities
undertaken during the unit, including comments on
the reactions of the group/individual participants
a. Introduction to the upcoming project
Cultural vehicles in education - reasons for its starting
, future possibilities of the project
b. Discussion - finding out the needs of
the group and its individuals. We would like to realise the
project in such a way that the participants will not only
learn something but also entertain themselves. For this reason
we organised this meeting , where all the invited have opportunity
to present their own ideas about the project realisation
and have time to decide whether thez would like to participate
on the project.
The attendees came with many interesting suggestions on the skills they would
like to develop and practice - drama art, photography, painting, and overall
and political knowledge.
During the discussion participants showed their ability to Express their own
opinion in front of the group of people. Also, we were able to detect the level
of their ability to listen to others and respect opinion of other people.
c. Scheduling the meeting with the artist
Next meeting will be already attended bz the professional from the art field
and everybody willl have opportunity to talk with him, ask questions and trz
out whether hew would like to participate on the workshops.
2. Was the aim of the unit
achieved (the implementation of practical skills
and the pedagogical aim)?
Most of the invited individuals seemed enthusiastic
about the upcoming meeting with the artist. However
we do not want to make conclusions or fill out the
forms with the participants at this point. All the
people we work with are very sensitive, therefore we
need to progress very carefully and fill out the forms
at the time when all the participants will be sure
they like the workshops and would like to be part o
3. Other remarks (for example
on the group and the interaction between artistic
and educational elements)
Due to the social exclusion of our clients we need
to proceed with the project very carefully at the beginning
so that the clients do not lose thein interest , or
do not feel that the zone of their comfort is infringed.