Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting
the needs of vulnerable social groups

Life Together
Roma Cookbook III
Subject of the unit |
Competences (key Lisbon competences) |
Practical skills |
Pedagogical aim |
Methods |
Didactic materials |
Duration and date |
Recipes for Roma Cookbook |
Competencies 6 and 7
Presentation of Roma cuisine to the public
To become aware and proud of their Roma culture
and be interested in presenting it to the wide
public |
Motivation and support of Roma culture and traditions |
Pen and paper |
3 hours
June 5th 2008 |
I A description of the activities undertaken during
the unit, including comments on the reactions of the
group/individual participants
a. Socializing with others of the same origin
b. Put traditional Roma recipes in writing
This session aimed to add other recipes of traditional
Roma dishes to the conspicuous cookbook. Before we
started to write other recipes, we had cleared out
what was already placed in the cookbook and which recipes
we had to add. Those recipes that were already a part
of the book the participants translated into the Roma
Then, we split the tasks among everybody. Each person
was writing one recipe. After they finished with writing
the recipes they consulted them together. The participants
suggested other ways of cooking certain dishes or different
ingredients that could be added to one another. That
way we established many different alternatives to each
c. Another workshop was scheduled for the June 6th.
II Was the aim of the unit achieved (the implementation
of practical skills and the pedagogical aim)?
The recipes have been passed on from generation to
generation in only oral form. The recipes are important
parts of Roma heritage that have been translated and
gathered for the first time. It is an important
element that helps cherish Roma culture, raise cultural
awareness among public and increase self-esteem not
only of the workshop participants, but also of the
Roma nation in general...
This was the first time for the participants to put
their traditional recipes on the pape... They were
writing the recipes with an eagerness to show them
to the wide
public... This way they would like to prove to others
that Roma nation does not consist of troublemakers
as many people from the majority think, but mainly
it is a nation with a heritage and rich traditions.
Looking at the incipient work the participants were
getting very proud of their culture and also of the
individuals skills each of them possessed
III Other remarks (for example on the interaction
between artistic and educational elements)
In this block of workshop it is practically impossible
to separate educational and artistic part because it
went hand in hand.. Besides writing and consulting
the recipes many of the participants brought the dishes
that they cooked at their homes for others to taste.
It was apparent, that each participant felt much more
comfortable consulting certain dish and writing the
recipe over the real plate with the food rather than
just do a plain talking without practical example...