Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting
the needs of vulnerable social groups

Life Together
Educational - German Dances I
Subject of the unit |
Competences (key Lisbon competences) |
Practical skills |
Pedagogical aim |
Methods |
Didactic materials |
Duration and date |
Traditional German dances |
Competencies 6 and 7
Learn how to use practical sources of information
- the books and the Internet
To raise interest of the group in other nationalities,
l To learn something about other European cultures |
Motivation and support |
Computer |
3 hours
July 18th 2008 |
I A description of the activities undertaken during
the unit, including comments on the reactions of the
group/individual participants
a. Socializing with others of the same origin
b. Expressing the own opinion, developing sense for
We concentrated on raising the interest of the group
in other European nationalities and cultures, with
special attention to those countries involved in the
project CVE. The participants got a very challenging
task; to search from available sources (Internet, library)
for information regarding German traditional dances.
In spite of the difficulty of the task, the participants
were very enthusiastic about it and they were even
trying to learn the basic steps of one of the dances.
In the next block planned we will be trying to search
for the information about Lithuanian dances.
c. The next meeting was scheduled for 25th July
II Was the aim of the unit achieved (the implementation
of practical skills and the pedagogical aim)?
All the participants were engaged in the task. They
were really sincerely interested in German dances and
the culture in general. They even used the Internet
to learn about all the significant German sights...
The participants got motivated to continue in their
in other cultures and in searching for information
about them. The next country to be learned about is
III Other remarks (for example on the interaction
between artistic and educational elements)
The attendees
in this block improved their previously gained basic
computer skills, learned how to search
on the Internet as well as from the available literature
in the library. Accordingly, this block contributed
to increase their literacy level in general…
Artistic element was very important in this unit
because Roma are very sensitive to the art, especially
music. The reason they were motivated to learn about
German dances was to try them out on their own at
their homes or even in the workshop itself. As I
have mentioned
they were trying to practice simple steps of the
German dances and it was a lot of fun for them...
The practical
usage of the dances contributed to raise interest
in German as well as other cultures in the future.