"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

CVE Website User Satisfaction Survey

Please help us serve the community of adult educators better by completing our Website User Satisfaction Survey. Answering the following questions should not take longer than a few minutes. Your answers will help us ensure that our website is useful, informative and relevant. We will use the information provided by you to evaluate and improve the platform. Thank you for your involvement >>>

Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting the needs of vulnerable social groups

Approved total budget (in EURO) - 379 685

Summary of the project

1 October 2007 - 30 September 2009

Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting the needs of vulnerable social groups

The CVE project is a piloting initiative of Grodzki Theatre Association, Poland, focused on developing alternative learning methods and tools in adult intercultural education. The main goal of the project is to work out a new arts-based teaching methodology addressing special needs of vulnerable social groups (including learners with mental illnesses, learners with motor-skills disabilities, migrants and senior citizens). A special emphasis is placed on creating and testing mobilizing mechanisms to increase the level of participation in lifelong learning of disadvantaged and reluctant learners. The CVE project offers support and new training opportunities for AE teachers and educators working with vulnerable social groups by using artistic and creative means in intercultural education.

The CVE consortium consists of 5 partners from 4 EU countries: Grodzki Theatre Association, Poland (leader), Youth Centre Babilonas, Lithuania, Life Together, Czech Republic, Die Wille gGmbH, Germany, EST Education Centre, Poland.

The main project activities:

- pilot workshops followed by the testing process in all 4 countries
- training provision for AE educators from across Europe (2 Grundtvig courses)
- international conference on CVE methodology
- a paper-based publication in six European languages improving the quality and accessibility of adult education (a practical guide for AE educators)
- creating the project website to reach a wider virtual community of AE teachers

Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting the needs of vulnerable social groups is funded by the European Union as part of Lifelong Learning: Grundtvig


The Bielskie Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre


The Youth Centre BABILONAS

Life Together

EST Education Centre

Die Wille gGmbH, Berlin

CVE Website User Satisfaction Survey

Please help us serve the community of adult educators better by completing our Website User Satisfaction Survey. Answering the following questions should not take longer than a few minutes. Your answers will help us ensure that our website is useful, informative and relevant. We will use the information provided by you to evaluate and improve the platform. Thank you for your involvement >>>


The Bielskie Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre
Premises - contact address: ul. Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland
Office:ul.Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland ,
Phone: +48 33 497 56 55, 496 52 19Fax: +48 33 497 56 55, mailto: