Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting
the needs of vulnerable social groups

Life Together
Roma Cookbook V
Subject of the unit |
Competences (key Lisbon competences) |
Practical skills |
Pedagogical aim |
Methods |
Didactic materials |
Duration and date |
Type the recipes for the Cookbook
on the computer |
Competencies 6 and 7
Presentation of Roma cuisine to the public
to fight against prejudice via positive examples |
To become aware and proud of their Roma culture
and be interested in presenting it to the wide
Introduction to the computer technology |
Motivation and support of Roma culture and traditions |
computer |
3 hours
July 4th 2008 |
I A description of the activities undertaken during
the unit, including comments on the reactions of the
group/individual participants
a. Socializing with others of the same origin
b. Put traditional Roma recipes in writing
This session aimed to type the previously prepared
recipes on the computer. We used our computer room
with five pc for this purpose and the participants
were again working with the program Microsoft Word.
At the beginning the participants had many difficulties
with typing the text that was split among all the attendees.
Most of the participants hardly ever used the computer,
for this reason this task required a great deal of
patience and determination on their side. However,
after some time each of them got more acquainted with
the keyboard and learned even some of the features
of program Microsoft Word. In spite of the difficulties
we managed to finish the entire text of the cookbook,
namely in both languages Czech and Roma.
The participants made a deal, that whenever anybody
of them cooks Traditional Roma dish, they will inform
one of the workers involved in the project and she
would come, take the picture and add it to the Cookbook.
Consequently, the Roma Cookbook is finished. Now we
still have one important task ahead : to find a qualified
person who knows Roma language, including the grammar
and writing, perfectly and will make the correction
of the text. The cookbook got translated to the Roma
language only as a draft due to the fact that the participants
possess only verbal skills without the proper knowledge
of grammar and spelling.
c. Another workshop was scheduled
for the June 11th.
II Was the aim of the unit achieved (the implementation
of practical skills and the pedagogical aim)?
The Roma Cookbook has been finally finished and ready
to be shown to the public. The entire block of Roma
cookbook definitely helped the participants to even
more increase awareness about their heritage and traditions...
All the participants are very proud of their work and
they realized they created something unique and special.
This awareness build up their self confidence and self
Together we also discussed the influence this work
will have on the wide public. Our participants learned
that the best way to fight prejudice was via positive
examples; while showing a part of Roma culture the
majority would realize that their view of Roma was
very narrow minded. This acquired skill will be very
useful to them throughout their lives in the future.
the beginning of the typing block the participants
felt ambivalent and insecure about working on the
computer, it took them long time to find the letters
on the keyboard,
however, at the end of the block they felt much more
comfortable and most of them would like to continue
developing their computer skills in the future. The
two lessons on the computer prompted interest of
the participants in the computer technology and helped
them get acquainted with the simple computer operations
and typing.
The computer skills are very important today to keep
up with the technical progress and with the world and
society around us in general. The absence of the computer
and of the ability to use it was one of the significant
factors deepening the social exclusion of the participants.
III Other remarks (for example on the interaction
between artistic and educational elements)
The participants are afraid of new things, especially
by means of technology, because they are convinced
that they are not smart enough to be able to operate
anything properly. They are hard learners and for this
reason it was necessary to use practical and entertaining
way to start developing their computer skills.
Because everybody was very enthusiastic about creating
a cookbook on their own, they put aside restraints
and fear they would normally have if asked to work
on the computer.. Accordingly, under normal circumstances
they would be very nervous in front of the computer.
Instead, due to the entertaining way we chose for developing
this ability, everybody was relaxed and enjoyed the
typing. The attendees realized that computer work is
for everybody; it just needs a little practice.