LEADER - Bielsko Artistic Association
Grodzki Theatre >>>
Since 1999 The Bielsko Artistic Association Grodzki
Theatre (Grodzki Theatre) has run educational
and artistic programmes for vulnerable social groups,
including the disabled persons, children and youths at
risk, victims of alcohol and drug addictions, and all
those alienated from the mainstream life, improving their
educational and vocational opportunities. For the last
seven years it has organised training sessions for about
1000 teachers and adult educators as well as published
seven instructive books, prepared five films and distributed
12 issues of its educational magazine. In the last five
years TG has contracted and managed 9 projects financed
by the European Community programmes.

Two of them, "The Theatrical Map of Europe" and "The
Animated Debate" were pioneering initiatives in developing
a new learning environment for vulnerable social groups
(highly rated by EU experts). The applicant has been an
active organisation in the Soros network for the last 6
years and taken part in national and international meetings
concerning educational and cultural policies, including
consultations of the new EU Programmes in Poland. Grodzki
Theatre is a co-organiser, together with the local Council,
of the Annual Regional Forum of NGO's under the patronage
of the government of Silesia Region. Thanks to many grants
and awards, including the EU programmes, Soros Foundation,
Kultura Foundation, Pro Publico Bono Foundation and the
European Culture Competition, it has established a continuity
of its projects, long-term policies and good dissemination

Role of Grodzki Theatre Association in the CVE
Management, administration and co-ordination as Applicant
and Coordinating Organisation, based on seven year's experience
of developing and managing EU funded projects (TG has been
the Project Leader in 9 Community Programmes, many have
been nominated to the compendia of excellent practice).
Creating the website of the project, based on good ICT
record (the coordinators website is recognised as
one of the leading Polish NGO sites with information and
resources for working with disadvantaged groups, 26 700
entries last year, high positioning in search engines).
Preparing the publication, based on experience in publishing
educational materials (books in Polish and English - 5000
copies published and distributed in the last 5 years, an
educational magazine - 12 issues, 24 000 copies and CDs
in different languages - 1500 copies distributed so far).
Practical use of CVE outcomes (exploitation of results),
based on the strong networking experience and successful
applications to new EU programmes in Poland, including
the new European Social Fund. >>>