- detailed description

"This project has been funded
with support from the European Commission. This publication
reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made
of the information contained therein."

Profile of learners: unemployed men and
women, mostly from migration background.
13 women, 3 men, migration background: 5, German citizens: 10, non-German citizens:
Aged under 25: 2; between 25-29: 1; between 30-39: 3; between 40-49: 6; between
50-54: 3; between 55-65: 1.
Education: Hauptschule (secondary school minor level): 1 male/7 female; Realschule
(secondary school higher level): 2 male/3 female; Abitur (university entrance
diploma): 2 female; university: 1 female; without vocational training: 5 female;
vocational training: 2 male/6 female.
The reasons for the participants's unemployment are different; many of the
women are mothers, some of them single parents.
The participants learn from CVE workshops to reflect upon their life, to enhance
their competences, personal and social skills by creative methods and subjects.
The workshops are oriented partly on the work with children and the connected
problems, but transgress this field in targeting the participants's own vital
issues and their reflection on their individual and cultural background.
Curriculum >>>
A selection of most interesting pilot workshop:
in January and February >>>
which was used in the workshop "Childhood" >>>
04-09.04.2008 >>>
used during the workshops - emotion in lyrics >>>
26. - 30. May 2008 >>>
final_test_workshops >>>
participants_feedback >>>
football >>>
play_scene_meyerhoff >>>