"This project has been funded with support from
the European Commission. This publication reflects the
views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained therein."

In each partner country (Poland, Lithuania, Czech Republic,
Germany) one pilot group of adult learners from vulnerable
social groups (10-14 participants) was set up. The 8-10
months workshop programmes (256 hours in total) combined
education with artistic explorations.
1. Artistic activities under the main theme "Tolerance
and respect for other people and cultures". Teamwork
and individual explorations on theatre presentations, visual
arts, music, dance, creative writing and story telling
focused on exploring common European heritage and individual
national traditions.
2. Educational programme consisting
of separated didactic units providing basic knowledge
for the above-mentioned
artistic explorations (geography, history, religion,
history of art, psychology). Various teaching techniques
were implemented
to facilitate educational tasks. First of all, student-oriented
and peer education methods were applied. Both modules
were based on detailed syllabus drawn up by the field specialists.
Throughout the course the initial didactic assumptions
were modified accordingly to the learners needs and limitations.
CVE pilot workshops evaluation report
(Shortened and updated)
The CVE pilot workshops run by partner organisations in
four different locations of Bielsko-Biała, Berlin, Ostrava
and Vilnius from November 2007 to August 2008 have been
evaluated on the following basis:
- course enrolment forms and entry questionnaires specifying
the beneficiaries' initial attitudes towards learning,
previous experiences and level of formal education
- evaluation questionnaires completed by the workshop participants
and instructors at the end of the course
- bimonthly reports submitted by the workshop monitoring
- evaluation visits to the workshops at each site
The Bielsko-Biała workshop group
Out of the 21 prospective students introduced to the concept
of the course through direct participation in initial classes,
12 committed themselves to take part in the full course.
Most of them were classified as socially and educationally
disadvantaged. In addition, only half of the group had
participated in lifelong learning courses before and even
those who had already gained such an experience mainly
valued social benefits. A questionnaire comment by one
of the students is an adequate description of the predominant
mood at the outset of the course: "I wish to make friends".
The workshop programme
A detailed programme of the course was developed in November
2007 and subsequently updated and modified in January 2008
on the basis of initial feedback from the workshops. Two
documents were presented on the project website which have
to be read together as the workshops programme: key competences
to be developed during the CVE pilot workshops and the
workshops curriculum.
The first document outlines a structure of the educational
objectives to be achieved during the workshops which is
based on the key Lisbon competences. Out of the 8 key competences
6 have been chosen as relevant for the CVE course: communication
in the mother tongue, mathematical competence, digital
competence, learning to learn, social and civic competences
and cultural awareness and expression. These competences
are then translated into hard and soft skills to be trained.
The result is a long list of 29 concrete practical skills
with associated new attitudes. In view of the nature of
the group, the initial expectations of the participants
and the time scale (8 months) a number of questions come
- Is the programme realistic in its attempt to achieve
so much in such short time?
- Is it coherent covering a wide range of diverse topics,
e.g. science as a foundation of technology along with influences
of European national cultures on each other?
- Is it practical in its formalistic approach - does it
translate into concrete educational scenarios?
The workshop curriculum, the other document published
on the website, does not answer the above questions. It
briefly outlines the main thematic domains to be covered
in the course: arts, science and philosophy, morality and
tradition and religion. The specific topics listed partly
correspond to the proposed key competences. In fact the
thematic programme presentation raises the same concerns
in reference to the feasibility, coherence and practicality
of the designed syllabus. However further information which
helps to answer these queries has been provided in the
regular reports from the actual implementation of the syllabus
in the workshops. In particular, scenarios of sample workshops
have been published on the website which include a description
of the interaction of the different thematic fields.
The workshop implementation
The workshops in Bielsko-Biała started in November 2007
and finished in June 2008. The instructors had to find
a path which would introduce the students to the various
fields outlined in the curriculum. The team worked on the
following assumptions:
- the set of competences and thematic fields cannot be
viewed as a stiff framework with no possibilities for adjustments
on the basis of the students' abilities and interests
- there is a need for a uniting theme which would make
the course syllabus coherent and meaningful
- cultural and artistic means should be used to facilitate
knowledge acquisition in case of more abstract concepts
The above input to the original curriculum helped to choose
one predominant theme for the whole course: a legend on
the foundation of the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius.
The theme surfaced in February and the group started preparing
a theatrical performance on the legend to be presented
to the public of the International Puppet Theatre in Bielsko-Biała
in May. This task involved the students in a number of
assignments, both artistic and educational, taught in two
separate blocks by two instructors.
The theatrical workshops required the students to work
collaboratively on the play entitled Gediminas Dream which
included writing the script, making costumes as well as
stage scenery and rehearsing for the play. Most of the
students eagerly participated in the group work motivated
by the prospect of a public performance. The performance
was observed by the evaluator on 26 May 2008 and the visit
validated the detailed progress reports from the arts workshops.
While working on the play the students practiced a comprehensive
range of interconnected skills which clearly correspond
to the proposed syllabus:
- how to communicate a message both in speech and writing;
preparing the play script required the students to discuss
different versions of the legend and write specific roles
for the actors
- how to design and make a stage decoration; in particular
making a large puppet of the aurochs which could be animated
on stage was a technical feat
- how to acquire knowledge of the past through reading
literary sources; the choice of legends and facts from
history books helped the students to distinguish reality
from fiction but also to see the artistic value of the
- how to interact in a group; making the play involved
negotiating different perspectives and interpretations
as well as being able to enact different roles
- how to express ideas and emotions creatively; this was
the most visible competence trained shown by the students
on stage
The artistic challenges of writing the script, making
the stage design and rehearsing for the play were a driving
force behind the students' involvement in educational tasks.
The educational block of classes included not only the
assignments closely related to the legend, like searching
for information on the origins of Lithuania, reading and
discussing literary works, learning the history and geography
of the region but also topics which at first sight have
no connection with the theme. In order to illustrate such
an interconnection of seemingly incompatible topics we
have chosen a workshop visited and observed by the evaluator
on 13 June 2008.
The workshop was entitled "What can save us from gibbering?"
The students were presented with a set of basic logical
rules explained in concrete examples of correct and confused
reasoning. The presentation was followed by the task of
discovering correct and fallacious statements in a set
of amusing examples. At the next step the students were
introduced to some eristic tricks. They had to use some
of them in making convincing defences of a set of humorous
claims. The group could easily see the fallacious patterns
of such arguments to great amusement and satisfaction of
all the participants. Now, how does this topic interconnect
with other themes of the syllabus?
- The class is a follow-up to the theatrical performance
at the puppet theatre festival. The students needed to
be able to present their own views on the play and discuss
further perspectives (possible trip to Vilnius to perform
at the conference). The workshop certainly helped them
to be aware of some of the pitfalls of disputes and showed
how to make and defend one's own position.
- The trainer managed to introduce some knowledge of logic
and history of European thought (Plato and the Sophists,
Aristotle, Shopenhauer) in a way which makes it relevant
for the students' interests and present tasks.
- The handouts were designed in such a way as to enable
the students to memorise the basic rules of reasoning which
will certainly help them to engage in discussions on other
topics in the curriculum.
The workshop documentation written by the monitoring team
provides detailed descriptions of all the classes and there
is no need to repeat the scenarios here. The reports do
not stress the interconnection of modules concentrating
on the flow of activities in each class. Still in the light
of the observations presented above we can surmise that
the instructors made a substantial effort to link various
tasks and assignments into a coherent course structure
spanning the diverse competences and fields of the syllabus.
The workshop results
The course was completed by 11 participants out of 12
which is a high score of 91% of learners. The whole course
consisted of 256 hours as planned in the syllabus. Both
the participants and the instructors were surveyed for
their views on the workshop achievements and failures at
the end of the course.
- The workshop programme was highly valued by the participants
with the overall score 4 + (scale 1 - 5). The students
perceived its educational objectives as clear and confirmed
that the methods and techniques used helped them to learn
new things. They also found both the pedagogical methods
and the pace of the workshops appropriate.
- The students were pleased with the instructors (the overall
score approaching 5). They appreciated the fact that the
trainers were well prepared for the workshops, helpful
in classes and their way of teaching motivated the students
to participate and interact in the group.
- In terms of the concrete benefits derived from the workshops,
the majority of the students pointed out the social aspect
of the classes: a new opportunity for meeting people and
making friends (the overall score approaching 5). Still
the students appreciated the educational benefits of the
course: most of them found the workshop topics interesting
and stimulating; the knowledge and skills taught were valued
as useful in life. The lowest score was assigned to the
relevance of the competences gained for the participants'
professional career (average score 4). This is partly explained
by the fact that some of the students, the elderly and
the disabled, do not perceive themselves as fit for employment.
- The suggestions by the participants for further course
improvements include both increasing the content and difficulty
level of the workshops as well as the opposite, reducing
the content and the difficulty level. This discloses a
certain problem visible from the very beginning of the
workshops - different levels of education and intellectual
ability among the participants. This raises a dilemma of
integrated approach in education and a choice of values
to be targeted in educational programmes. The CVE team
certainly counted on the value of creating learning opportunities
for all in an open inclusive environment.
Interviews with the course trainers and the questionnaires
completed by them helped to clarify the issue of the consistency
of the syllabus. Two arguments were presented to justify
a broad range of themes covered by the course: first the
instructors found it appropriate to engage the students
in a number of topics raising their interest and curiosity
and taking into account various abilities and disabilities
of the participants at the same time; secondly an overall
purpose of the programme was to gather observations for
the CVE methodology development. To this end it was necessary
to experiment with different educational domains and approaches
in work with disadvantaged adult learners. All the workshops
were observed and described by a monitoring expert with
a view to providing material for this task. The workshops
generated a wealth of observations and concrete lesson
scenarios on which this book was based.
The Berlin workshop group
The participants of the workshops were recruited from
beneficiaries of other projects run by Die Wille which
assist the needs of unemployed people. The CVE workshops
were presented as an additional separate programme focusing
on more general "soft" skills as compared with the job
creation measures in which the students had been enrolled.
This procedure facilitated the recruitment but at the same
time caused a certain difficulty: the students could not
commit themselves to participation in a course taught over
a long period of time because of prospects of employment
for which they were being prepared in the other projects.
The solution was found in creating a programme consisting
of separate modules which could be attended independently.
The recruitment started in November 2007 and was continued
throughout the project. The total number of students who
participated in the workshops was 38 with the average number
of participants at a workshop 10 - 15.
Although more than half of the group had already participated
in lifelong learning courses (21 out of 38), the programme
which proposed to combine artistic and educational activities
was a new experience to the majority of the participants.
Another challenge for the CVE team was to approach the
intercultural issues in work with a group of mixed national
origins. The interesting fact documented in the entry evaluation
questionnaires is that the students coming from different
national and cultural backgrounds did not expect to benefit
from the course socially (meeting new people, spending
free time in company of others. Thus these expectations
were just the opposite to those of the students in the
Bielsko-Biała workshop. All the above factors were taken
into account in drafting the syllabus of the course.
The workshop programme
The CVE syllabus was drafted in November 2007 and revised
in February 2008 after the initial feedback from the first
modules of the course. It was published on the website
as the workshops curriculum. The Die Wille team did not
develop a detailed list of competences to be taught along
the lines proposed by the coordinator. Instead of targeting
a long list of skills the team concentrated on 4 Lisbon
competences viewed as forming a coherent whole and relevant
for the beneficiaries' needs and expectations: communication
in the mother tongue, learning to learn, social competence
and cultural awareness and expression. In order to document
how these competences were to be trained only sample workshops
were described on the website.
The programme consists of 14 separate modules to be taught
in intensive sessions of different lengths (1 day to 1
week each). The outline raised the following questions
in reference to the proposed course of action:
- The syllabus takes into account the declared commitment
of prospective participants and divides the whole course
into independent modules. Still a question arises as to
whether sufficient effort was made to secure the whole
course participation, which is always a challenge in case
of this type of training.
- The course is a clear follow-up to the job creation measures
in which the students were involved. It certainly proposes
to train soft skills necessary in all positions, e.g. dealing
with emotions, conflicts, stress and communicative problems.
Nevertheless, some topics seem relevant only for certain
jobs (those connected with child education in kindergartens
and day care centres) and might be of little interest to
participants not planning to take up such a specific job.
- Most of the topics seem to be excellent themes for training
intercultural competence, a need identified at the outset
of the workshops. Still the syllabus says little on how
this will be done; a general goal of a module is followed
by rather concise information on the methodology proposed.
Regular communication of the Berlin team with the project
coordinator, detailed bimonthly reports published on the
website and the evaluation visit at one of the workshops
helped to resolve the above issues. First, the syllabus
was defended as adjusted to the real needs and constrains
of the beneficiaries: the main value of the CVE workshops
was seen in training key competences of people preparing
to start work, usually for the first time or after a long
break. Accordingly, a choice of short training modules
with different themes and objectives which could be attended
separately and would not stand in the way of the prospective
job schedule was found appropriate. Secondly, the themes
of the modules were adjusted to the interests of the participants
and in each workshop a specific topic provided a starting
point for training key competences in lifelong learning.
Thirdly, the ambiguity of the syllabus in terms of the
training methodology was clarified in the regular reports
which give an insight into the actual methods of combining
artistic and educational means in the course programme.
The workshop implementation
The course in Berlin was run from December 2007 to August
2008. The team chose to follow a programme in which the
arts and education were closely combined in each workshop
instead of teaching two different blocks of classes. This
is partly explained by the logic of the module-based curriculum.
Another reason was the conviction of the CVE trainers that
the artistic means - "cultural vehicles" - are best used
if directly applied in educational tasks of teaching basic
skills. The reports from the workshops give a number of
examples of how this was done. Each of the targeted competences
was given at least one example illustrating the pedagogical
- Communication in the mother tongue: the students were
taken on an excursion to an exhibition of a German writer,
musician, actor and a film director Karl Valentin. The
works of art and documentary material were a starting point
of a workshop "Solving communication problems using irony,
comic and absurd behaviour" and provided a motivating background
for practising communication skills.
- Learning to learn competence: the course was inaugurated
with a module of particular relevance for the group of
mixed nationalities: "Who am I - as a German, Turkish,
Polish woman or a man living in Berlin, Germany?". The
students learned how to see through stereotypes and clichés
to discover the real content of other cultures and traditions.
Images of "the alien" visualized in art and customs opened
a way to self-reflection and discovery of other identities.
- Social competences: excerpts from poetry and prose dealing
with children (intercultural choice spanning Rainer Maria
Rilke and Kahlil Gibran) let the trainers introduce the
topic of communication with children in kindergartens and
day care centres. The topic had a broader personal and
interpersonal relevance covering the issue of the "inner
child" in ourselves as well as a direct connection with
the job creation measure in which most of the participants
were involved. In this case poetry was used as a "cultural
vehicle" on the way to personal development.
- Cultural awareness and expression: puppets and masks
as means to express messages was a topic particularly suited
to practice the two interconnected competences. The students
learned about the history of puppetry through a visit at
a puppet theatre in Berlin and created their own puppets
and masks to be used in the context of child education.
The trainers managed to combine a broader issue of self-expression
and interpersonal communication with a specific need of
the participants to learn how to engage kindergarten children
in educational tasks.
In addition to the above puppetry workshop the curriculum
included two other theatre modules using drama techniques
as "cultural vehicles". Thus the Berlin team, working independently
in a very different institutional, social and cultural
context from those of Bielsko-Biała and Ostrava, chose
similar artistic means to approach educational tasks. The
tasks were not exactly the same as the different teams
had to take into account the nature of the groups they
were working with as well as their different needs (e.g.
professional needs in Berlin versus mainly social and personal
ones in Bielsko-Biała).
The final workshop consisted of two parts: a performance
at a local kindergarten and an extensive self-evaluation
session summarising the whole module. The play was performed
by an international group of German, Turkish, Kurdish and
Polish participants to the audience of children of mixed
nationalities. Thus the organisers created a true intercultural
setting representing the actual make-up of the local communities
of Neukoelln and Kreuzberg. The common theme of the two
short plays was connected with conflict resolution between
different national and cultural groups based on the actual
contentious issues of nationally mixed relationships (first
play) and tensions between football supporters of different
national teams (second play). Both the plays were partly
an interactive performance involving the audience of children
in predicting the course of action, answering questions
or proposing solutions to the conflict situations visualized
on stage. The educational value of the whole workshop which
concluded with the performances should be seen in many
aspects; the participants certainly learned:
- how to convey a complex message using various artistic
means (making stage design, writing script, playing roles
on stage)
- how to approach difficult issues in their communities
through discussion and enacting problem situations on stage;
some of the techniques used in the workshop clearly refer
to well tested psychodrama methods and have not only educational
but also therapeutic value
- how to communicate with and teach children, including
their own children; the workshops had a clear intergenerational
side to it which provides an added value to the programme
primarily addressed to adults
- how to develop their personal and interpersonal competences
valuable in prospective employment; the module curriculum
was in line with the job creation measure in which the
participants were involved (training of assistants in kindergartens
and day care centres)
The self-evaluation session which directly followed the
performance was an opportunity for the students to discuss
the results of the workshop. In addition to the above skills
practiced the participants gained an opportunity to argue
their views in front of the whole group. For some of the
students the workshops provided the first occasion ever
to speak in public and certainly enhanced their verbal
communication competence. The session was also a chance
for the participants to socialize in a friendly environment
(they prepared and served national dishes in the breaks).
The social aspect of the team building, which the trainers
viewed as one of the key tasks in the project, fully came
to light here. This was particularly visible in the case
of the students who had attended previous modules of the
course and it provides another argument for the relevance
of long term participation in lifelong learning courses.
The students also argued that the skills acquired during
previous workshops made it easier for them to take a new
challenge of performing. This certainly testifies to the
coherence of the syllabus which can be viewed as a whole
course structure built of autonomous units.
The workshop results
The course was divided into 14 independent modules and
the average percentage of completion of each workshop was
90%. 36 participants received certificates for each
of the modules attended. The total number of the course
hours was 256. The Berlin team summarised each workshop
with a self-evaluation session and the results are documented
in the project archives. The following conclusions have
been derived from evaluation questionnaires, interviews
and direct observations:
- The programme was assessed by the participants with
the overall score 4 (scale 1 - 5). The group included respondents
who found the programme highly relevant (5 students) as
well as those who failed to see much value in it (2 students).
While the workshop objectives, methods, and the difficulty
level was seen on average as appropriate, the biggest problem
surfaced in case of the pace of work. This certainly resulted
from the time constraints of the one week programme.
- The students were pleased with the instructors (the overall
score approaching 4 +) except for the 2 students mentioned
above. The participants appreciated the trainers' ability
to organise team work and their pedagogical competence.
- In terms of the concrete benefits derived from the workshops
most of the participants were cautious about the relevance
of the programme for their career (only 3 gave this aspect
the highest score with 6 responses below 4). This perhaps
suggests a certain difficulty in adjusting the CVE course
to the job creation measures. On the other hand the students
appreciated the social benefits of the course which was
valued at least as much as the career aspect. This is an
interesting finding in the light of the initial expectations
of the participants.
- The students did not say much to disclose their views
on possible improvements of the course. 3 stressed the
need to clarify the workshop objectives which is in line
with the above doubt concerning the usefulness of the skills
practiced for future career. Some pointed out the value
of more lively, arts-based activities like acting on stage
or teamwork on preparing the plays as compared with more
theoretical approach surfaced in lectures and discussions.
Certainly the students took the workshop mainly as an excellent
occasion to develop their personal and interpersonal competences.
The instructors emphasized the flexibility of the module-based
syllabus, which allows for changes in the composition of
workshop groups. Lifelong learning courses teaching basic
competences are easier to adjust to real needs and abilities
of their participants if they are planned as an open choice
of training sessions instead of a fixed syllabus of classes
requiring a long-term commitment.
The Ostrava workshop groups
The CVE workshops in Ostrava were organised in particularly
difficult and demanding conditions. First, the partner
organisation Life Together had not run lifelong learning
courses before although it had provided advisory and social
services to adult beneficiaries. Still the requirements
of a training course were different from the experiences
gathered so far. Secondly, Life Together primarily works
with the Roma minority in the Czech Republic whose social
and educational situation is rather acute. The first CVE
group of Roma participants was set up in December 2007
and disintegrated in March 2008 after a couple of workshops.
Another group was organised in April 2008 and the course
was resumed after a short break. With the experiences from
the first round of workshops the organisers managed to
run the course until August 2008 and complete the syllabus
in accordance with the requirements of the CVE proposal.
The reports from the two rounds of workshops published
on the website as well as interviews with the managing
team and the instructors running the course give an insight
into both the failures and successes of the course in Ostrava.
All the participants of the CVE workshops were recruited
from the Roma minority in Ostrava and its surroundings.
There is a large community of Roma people in this region
of the Czech Republic who mostly live in deprived areas:
on the outskirts of cities, in desperate housing conditions,
with few educational opportunities open to adult members
of the community. Life Together is the main non-governmental
organisation in Ostrava which provides services to the
The recruitment strategy for the new course took into
account the lessons learnt from the first attempt: all
the students came from one Roma enclave in Zelezna Street
(a couple of old tenements falling apart, inhabited by
the Roma only) who felt comfortable working in a group
of acquaintances from the same community; the course was
organised near the place where they lived which facilitated
regular participation over a relatively long period of
time; a new syllabus was drafted and included more concrete
activities directly addressing the interests and abilities
of the participants. The new group consisted of 12 participants
and further 4 Roma people joined it during the course.
The entry evaluation questionnaires documented the expectations
of the participants who mainly expected to benefit from
the course socially. Although the recruiters stressed
the other aspects of the course which aimed at raising
general knowledge and competences useful in life and
employment, the students took the workshops as a way
to spend their free time in an interesting and entertaining
way in the company of others. This certainly resulted
from the fact that most of the participants did not expect
to find a job in the foreseeable future or move out of
their enclave. Thus the main challenge in drafting the
syllabus was to find a way to make the participation
in the course not only a way of socializing and playing
but also to prove that raising one's knowledge and competences
can be an interesting and valuable pursuit. This was
particularly important in view of the fact that the desperate
condition of the Roma population in the Czech society
is usually explained as resulting from the supposed mental
and personal deficiencies of the beneficiaries themselves.
Life Together was set up in protest against these clichés
and the CVE project was welcomed as a new opportunity
to prove the case against the predominant stereotypes.
The workshop programme
The course planning approach chosen by Life Together was
different from all the other partners. The team did not
develop a specific syllabus of classes in advance. Instead
they decided to set up a group of prospective students
first, define their needs and develop the curriculum on
the basis of feedback from the introductory classes in
accordance with the overall CVE objectives. Thus at the
beginning of the workshops in December 2007 only a very
general draft of the syllabus was presented to the coordinator.
It proposed to target the three key Lisbon competences
of communication in the mother tongue, social competences
and cultural awareness and expression. These skills were
viewed as particularly relevant for the students' need
to learn how to live in and communicate with the society
perceived by them as hostile or alien. In addition, the
draft proposed to teach some basic knowledge of the Roma
history and tradition as the knowledge of one's roots is
a precondition of self-understanding and self-esteem. However,
the syllabus was not developed much further as the introductory
classes with the first group did not help to elicit the
expected positive feedback from the participants and the
group shrank from 16 students to only 2 willing to continue
the course. This initial failure of the CVE workshops in
Ostrava was a matter discussed during two meetings with
the project coordinator which helped to develop a more
specific and detailed course of action. The Life Together
team proposed a more concrete curriculum for the new group
which started the course in April 2008.
The syllabus divided the course in three different assignments
based on a careful analysis of the interests and abilities
of the new group of students. The main part of the workshops
was to concentrate on dramatization of a love story about
a relationship between a Roma girl and a Czech boy set
in the past when the Roma were still travellers moving
in caravans from one village to another, usually greeted
with aversion or hostility. The workshops had the purpose
of fostering creativity and self-expression through artistic
means as well as helping the students to acquire knowledge
of the past while working on the scenario. Another assignment
involved those students who did not feel comfortable to
perform on stage in technical and artistic tasks of making
props and costumes for the play. Finally, it was planned
to prepare a Roma cookbook and serve traditional dishes
to the public at the performances. The three parts of the
syllabus were interconnected and allowed of a choice of
activities in a group of students of diverse talents, abilities
and interests.
The whole course planning procedure raises the following
- Can a complex course be planned "on the way", with only
a general outline of teaching ideas at the beginning?
- Can a presumed low level of motivation of Roma students
to take up educational tasks be taken as an excuse for
the lack of a concrete workshop curriculum?
The problems were solved through regular visits of the
coordinator in Ostrava and an evaluation visit at one of
the workshop sessions. All the information gathered gave
a direct insight into the actual implementation of the
CVE concept and helped to dispel the above doubts.
The workshop implementation
The evaluator had two opportunities to observe the students'
performance and interview both them and their instructors.
First, the whole workshop group came to Bielsko-Biała to
perform at the Festival of the Big and Small on 26 May
2008. Then workshops in Ostrava were visited on 29 - 30
May 2008. At that time the new group of students were in
the middle of the course which started in April and was
expected to finish in August. Still the results of the
workshops were already visible: the students presented
a part of the dramatic performance on which they were working
which was a lively dancing scene welcomed with applause
by the Bielsko-Biała audience. The choreography, the costumes
and the music played by the participants provided a setting
for the love story between a young Roma girl and a Czech
boy. The workshop which followed the performance was devoted
to the discussion of further parts of the play, practising
roles of the following scene, playing music and dancing.
Some of the participants brought their children to the
workshop which created a lively informal atmosphere in
the classroom. The activities in which the students were
taking part certainly had a clear educational value and
let them learn:
- how to stay focused on a subject of discussion; preparing
the script for the play required to reach a consensus in
the group as different students came up with different
plots and scenarios of the love story.
- how to express their ideas and emotions creatively on
stage; for all the students performing was a new experience
although it seemed that dancing and playing music came
to them naturally and brought satisfaction and enjoyment.
- how to interact with others on a common task; the roles
in the group were divided between musicians, actors, dancers
and craftsmen who made the costumes and stage props. This
required cooperation and coordination of different assignments
as well as regular attendance at the workshops by at least
the key participants.
All the above skills are clearly in line with the key
communicative, social and cultural competences. However
a broader issue arises here: when we approach a minority
group of different societal and cultural fabric with a
set of predefined educational priorities derived from the
work-driven culture we might find the definitions irrelevant
or inappropriate. Certainly the first impression from the
CVE workshops for the Roma students raises this query.
It seems that the students find it difficult to grasp the
whole idea of learning so called key competences useful
in society and at work while, on the other hand, they eagerly
take part in music and dancing classes which they value
for themselves with a clear disregard for their "usefulness".
When the workshops are perceived as an arts project which
brings satisfaction and enjoyment the value of the participation
is obvious and no questions are asked. However when the
course is to be taken as raising one's "competences" or
qualifications a number of objections come up: what for?
will I get a job then? how much will you pay? These are
hard questions which require concrete answers; a general
usefulness of the proposed competences in life or at work
is by no means motivating enough for prospective Roma students.
Neither of the above issues can be investigated in more
detail here. Still it is worth remembering that when planning
an educational initiative in an intercultural environment
a substantial effort has to be made in defining the values
of the community with which we plan to work and reflect
upon our own set of values. We should not mask a question
which is very likely to arise: what if the two ranks of
values are incompatible?
The workshop results
The course was completed by 16 participants, and all the
12 Romas who started it, finished the workshops, which
is a high score of 100% of learners. The whole course consisted
of 256 hours as planned in the syllabus.
- The workshop programme was valued by the participants
with the overall score of 4 (scale 1 - 5). The students
perceived its educational objectives as clear and confirmed
that the methods and techniques used helped them to learn
new things. They also found both the pedagogical methods
and the pace of the workshops appropriate.
- The students were pleased with the instructors (the overall
score 4,5).
- In terms of the concrete benefits derived from the workshops,
the majority of the students pointed out that they learned
many new things - typing on the computer, information about
their culture as well as other European cultures and they
developed ability to express themselves in the Czech language
more efficiently. As a result of the knowledge and abilities
acquired they felt more confident and valued in their community
(the overall score 4).
Still the students appreciated the educational benefits of the course: most
of them found the workshop very interesting, educative and entertaining.
Some of the participants would rather have less difficult
subjects and the content of the workshop reduced. Also,
some of them, especially mothers found it difficult to
participate regularly due to their daily chores with household
and children.
The final tests contained 10 simple multiplied questions
(a, b, c answer style). The questions were, for example,
What is the capital of Lithuania? or What is the name of
a traditional German dance? Due to the illiteracy of some
participants, instructors needed to give some support to
them during the test by reading the questions and answers
out. All the 10 questions were answered correctly by all
the participants.
The Vilnius workshop group
The recruitment for the CVE course started in December
2007. The organisers issued a leaflet describing the educational
opportunities offered by the project and distributed it
through a range of channels: directly to potential beneficiaries
known personally to the Babilonas team, women's clubs,
day centres, social enterprises and local community centres.
This approach helped to raise interest in the project among
people coming from various backgrounds. The age of participants
was 24-62. In view of a great interest in the workshops
the organisers continued enrolling new students throughout
the course and the final total number of participants reached
The diversity of profiles of the beneficiaries was expressed
in their expectations of the course. They pointed out personal
development, social benefits and skills needed in employment.
In addition some participants were interested in exploring
possibilities offered by art with a certain disregard for
practical benefits of the course (e.g. to create something
beautiful).The majority of the students had already participated
in lifelong learning courses. In view of the results of
the initial survey outlined above the organisers were faced
with a challenging task to live up to the students' expectations
and design a syllabus which would encompass all the various
needs and interests.
The workshop programme
The syllabus proposed by Babilonas at the outset of the
course in January 2008 added a new approach to those already
described above. It included 10 different modules on different
subjects all related to arts but otherwise unconnected.
Though linked with intercultural dimension in all of them.
In this respect the syllabus was similar to the module-based
curriculum developed by the Berlin team but the students
in Vilnius were expected to take part in the whole course
instead of choosing from a selection of workshops. As compared
with the curriculum proposed by Teatr Grodzki the Babilonas
team did not make an attempt to connect the modules with
a leading theme. It was believed that the different expectations
of the students would be best met if they were introduced
to different areas and dimensions of art. The modules were
of different lengths and they all had a component of thematic
knowledge acquisition (e.g. learning about ornamental symbols
in European cultures) followed by practising related skills
(e.g. drawing ornaments). It seems that the organisers
first concentrated on choosing subjects which could attract
interest from the participants. Another factor taken into
account was the availability of trainers who would be able
to run the course. The result was a well developed set
of modules with their content and pedagogy defined by the
subject to be taught and not by the competences to be trained.
Obviously the students were expected to learn useful skills
(e.g. how to decorate an interior) but the main objective
was to show importance and meaning of art as such in various
domains of architecture, film, dance, painting and poetry.
This is the reason why the Babilonas team did not begin
with the development of the list of key competences along
the lines proposed by Teatr Grodzki although the reports
published on the website documented how the arts workshops
helped to train some basic skills. The detailed description
of the Easter Tradition workshop is a good example in this
respect; the students practiced:
- communication in the mother tongue while sharing different
Easter traditions; the discussion of various customs was
an important part at each stage of the workshops.
- how to organise their own learning; mind maps were introduced
to help the students grasp a complex picture of European
Easter traditions.
- social and intercultural skills. Five different nationalities
were represented in the group: Byelorussian, Hungarian
(the trainer's nationality), Lithuanian, Polish and Russian.
This provided a true intercultural context for discussions
and interactions in the group.
- how to express their own cultural tradition through the
creation of Easter Palms in different ornamental styles.
The Vilnius syllabus shows the validity of the pedagogical
approach in which a training module is defined by its subject
relevant for the students interests and the nature of the
group (e.g. multicultural, multinational). What follows
is a specific training methodology relevant for the subject
taught. As a result the participants acquire specific thematic
knowledge and related competences (e.g. ability to create
ornaments in a given style). If a need arises these competences
can be aligned in a table of the key Lisbon competences.
This procedure substantially differs from an approach which
proposes an abstract scheme of competences first and then
seeks appropriate ways to train them. The lessons learnt
from the Ostrava workshop proved that the proper definition
of relevant competences is a difficult task in itself which
is perhaps best dealt with "on the way", during the course.
The workshop implementation
The CVE workshops began in February 2008 and finished
in June 2008. The course was taught twice a week in evening
sessions which secured regular participations from the
students who worked during the day or had other obligations.
A team of 17 educators (10 of them with professional artistic
background)was engaged in running the workshops covering
various domains and themes specified in the syllabus. The
organisers managed to involve in the course some personalities
of high standing in their areas of expertise. It was possible
only with the module-based approach: the artists and educators
would not have committed themselves to teaching regular
classes over a long period of time because of the nature
of their work or other assignments. This is an important
practical issue in managing lifelong learning courses and
the solution proposed by Babilonas is certainly reasonable
in this respect.
The workshop visited by the evaluator on 6 June 2008 gives
an excellent opportunity to investigate the chosen methodological
approach in relation to the project objectives outlined
in the CVE proposal. The module introduced the students
to the art of break-dancing and graffiti and a question
which comes to mind first is the following: what does a
course in break-dancing have to do with teaching key competences
in lifelong learning?
Appreciation of modern art and subculture art in particular
requires a certain degree of knowledge and understanding;
this refers equally to Saber (famous American graffiti
painter) and Bacon. Knowledge of the subculture arts is
non-existent in the mainstream society. Consequently, it
is worth introducing the students who declare an interest
in art into the history and styles of subculture arts.
This a logical reasoning taking into account both the subject
related issues (interrelation of break-dancing and graffiti),
the students' interests and the availability of trainers
to run the course (the module author and teacher is a renowned
break-dancer himself, a writer on subculture issues and
a founder of a dancing school in Vilnius).
The workshop began with a short lecture on subculture
arts followed by a vivid presentation of different styles
of break-dancing shown on the projector. The sample performances
were really impressive and created a lively response from
the students puzzled by the technique of robot dancing.
The instructor explained the basics of the technique and
performed some short etudes. Then the students were invited
to dance in the circle with each one coming to the middle
in turns. The accompanying music created a dynamic environment
and facilitated involvement of all the group members. After
a short break when the students could relax over a cup
of tea or coffee a graffiti session followed. The class
had a similar structure to the dancing part: a lecture,
visual presentation and practice. The students could recognise
similar patterns in both the fields (broken movement in
dancing versus broken lines in painting), reflect on the
messages communicated by the artists and try to express
their own messages in graffiti painting. The evening class
continued beyond the planned time because of the students'
enthusiastic participation.
The workshops provided the students with an opportunity
- discuss contentious issues of subcultures; the lectures
introduced some knowledge and vocabulary necessary to go
beyond simple statements of likes and dislikes in the matter
of art and make some finer distinctions.
- raise their curiosity in a subject not well known and
offer possibilities to develop it further through the internet
links, magazines and participation in cultural events.
- gain a broader view on the fabric of multicultural societies
with social clusters identified through a particular type
of artistic expression.
- practice dancing not as a party-style enjoyment but as
an expressive art which gives a unique channel to visualize
an emotional identity.
The above educational benefits have been listed in such
an order as their relevance for the key competences in
lifelong learning can be easily recognised.
The workshop results
The whole course was completed by 100 % of the participants
(as 12 participants followed since the beginning) and 23
students received certificates of the CVE workshops attendance.
The total number of the hours taught was 256 according
to the approved schedule. Each of the modules was concluded
with a self-evaluation session in which the students could
present their views on the workshops and discuss possible
course improvements with the trainers. This feedback was
summarised and sent to the evaluator. Additional conclusions
have been drawn from evaluation questionnaires and interviews.
- The programme was assessed by the participants with
a great deal of enthusiasm, the overall score approaching
5 (scale 1 - 5). Only some of the students were puzzled
by the workshop objectives and the lower score given for
this aspect (4+ on average) perhaps discloses an uncertainty
on the main goals of the training.
- The students gave an equal applause to the instructors
and appreciated the opportunity to have worked with people
of outstanding personality. It is especially visible from
the additional comments made by the students: they said
that some of the instructors, both the educators (e.g.
the philosopher) and the artists (e.g. the painter) had
made a powerful impression on them and influenced their
way of thinking.
- In terms of the concrete results the programme was also
highly valued by the students who ticked the highest score
in cases of its educational aspects (interesting content,
stimulation for further learning), relevance for their
career, general usefulness in life and social benefits
(new friends, relationships). However this should be read
in the light of further specific comments provided by the
students in the open sections of the questionnaire and
the interviews. The value of working in a group, the value
of discoveries of one's hidden self ("diving deep into
myself") and the world outside ("everything I met here
opened a new point of view for me") were stressed as the
key benefits.
- The participants suggested possible improvements for
the workshop programme. Two aspects of the course came
to the fore in this respect: its content, which could be
increased, and an international dimension to the CVE course.
The need to increase the content of the training should
be understood as a willingness on the part of the students
to participate in a more intensive course which would cover
the module topics in more depth. The other factor mentioned
arises from the participants' awareness that parallel courses
were run in other European countries. They wished to confront
their own learning with the workshops in other locations.
The instructors who reflected on the course in the interviews
and final evaluation questionnaires were astonished by
the excellent atmosphere in the group. Before the course
they expressed some reservations about the plan to teach
a heterogeneous group of adults (different ages, abilities,
professions, education).
The CVE workshops have given a unique opportunity to investigate
the ways of using art in lifelong learning courses: they
were run in four different national, cultural and institutional
settings which let the organisers draw conclusions valid
trans-nationally beyond their own area of expertise. It
is worth pointing out a number of issues which might facilitate
the task of implementing the CVE methodology by other organisations:
- The workshops were preceded by a planning phase in which
the coordinator proposed a set of key competences to be
trained and invited the other partners to define their
own targets accordingly. In fact the formal list of skills
based on the Recommendation of the European Parliament
and of the Council on key competences for lifelong learning
should have been concretised. In particular the Ostrava
course has shown a need to reflect on the values represented
in the recommendation in the light of the actual social
and cultural make-up of the group of participants. Without
such a reflection at first, at the stage of drafting the
syllabus, the targets proposed might seem too abstract
or even irrelevant in face of the real people who come
to the course from different backgrounds and with different
- Lifelong learning courses for disadvantaged adult students
need to be organised in such a way as to allow of flexibility
of approach. There are no other incentives for participation
except for the genuine interest and satisfaction of the
students. These courses differ from programmes which have
something "hard" to offer: social security benefit conditioned
by the course participation or concrete qualifications
and skills needed for work. Accordingly it seems reasonable
to base the training on a module-based approach if the
workshops are planned over a long period of time. Setting
high attendance and completion targets for a course requiring
a long-term commitment from disadvantaged students might
seem unrealistic, particularly in case of the participants
who are already classified as "reluctant learners". The
Vilnius course in particular proves its validity in this
respect: separate modules are easier to develop methodologically
and organisationally and their resulting quality is an
encouragement in itself for the students to participate
in the following workshops.
- The issue of interdependence of arts and education was
dealt with in two different ways. The best example of the
first approach is the Berlin workshop. The course was not
divided in two different blocks of classes according to
the division of the two domains and their relevant methodology.
Instead, the "cultural vehicles" were directly applied
in educational tasks and facilitated the acquisition of
skills and competences which go beyond the field of art
(e.g. how to communicate with a younger generation, how
to approach contentious issues in multicultural societies).
This is certainly a valid procedure, which is also confirmed
by the Vilnius course, founded on the belief that the very
appreciation of art brings about educational benefits.
- The approach chosen by Teatr Grodzki also proved its
validity. The artistic and educational workshops were taught
as two parallel courses, interdependent but still organisationally
and methodologically different. The underlying belief here
was that working on a purely artistic project (a theatrical
play) raises the students' interest in a number of related
subjects which can be dealt with separately once the participants
are motivated to investigate these issues. Indeed the student's
long-term participation in both workshops has proven the
value of the motivating mechanisms of "cultural vehicles".
The group of disadvantaged learners was led far beyond
the domain of art and studied subjects related to history,
geography, philosophy, even touched on science and technology.
Aleksander Schejbal, Director of Educational Centre EST,