"This project has been funded
with support from the European Commission. This publication
reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made
of the information contained therein."
CVE GRUNDTVIG COURSE "Cultural vehicles in education",
Ostravice, Czech Republic
The Course held from 6 to 11 July in Ostravice, Czech
Republic, was an international meeting of trainers and
adult educators focused on introducing arts-based teaching
methods in life-long learning of socially vulnerable groups.
There were 25 participants from 9 countries: Great Britain,
Germany, Spain, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania,
Poland and Czech Republic. The program of the course was
a practical introduction to the findings of pilot workshops
implemented in all 4 project countries. It was also a platform
for exchange of appropriate and effective ways to empower
students with competences essential to participate in social
and working life, organize their own learning and express
their ideas, experiences and emotions.
Here are some comments from the participants
of the final feedback session (original wording):
reflected on the title of the project. This morning I
understood the meaning of the title fully. I agree that
we are cultural vehicles - each of us will
carry the new ideas to our countries
"Open market of methods. Great experience; different styles and tastes."
"Maybe it was not about opening the doors, but making a few steps."
"I will be able to use a lot of methods."
"The best one: Hip Hop. Very clear for me. I learned a lot."
" It was a pleasure to see a lecturer dancing!"
"Forum Theatre was totally new to me"
"A lot of methods. I have to make my choice now."
"It was very interesting and useful. Whatever you do, you must be open, then
you will be successful."
"Two levels of being here: workshops-definitely I am going to use some methods.
I already have some ideas how to use them; end emotional level- nice people,
discovering my Gypsy roots. This is very important for me."
"I have a lot of questions!"
"It was a real pleasure to meet and work with so many open-minded people. So
I have to thank you all of you. Each of us has his own way of being creative."
"I got interested in psychodrama!"
"This course... everything had huge impact on me and will help me to make
other people feel better."

photos >>>

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6-11 July 2009, Ostravice, Beskydy
Mountains, Czech Republic
Day 1
10am-5pm, including a lunch break
Welcome and warm-up exercises - "ice breakers"
Presentation of the CVE methodology - Agnieszka Ginko-Humphries
a) "People and trees", Grodzki Theatre, Poland
Facilitator: Agnieszka Ginko-Humphries
Support: Maria Schejbal
b) "Intercultural Communication and Conflicts", Die Wille
gGmbH, Germany
Facilitator: Barbara Kuhn
Day 2
10am-5pm, including a lunch break
a) "Behind a desk and on the stage", Grodzki Theatre, Poland
Facilitator: Maria Schejbal
Support: Agnieszka Ginko-Humphries
b) "Intercultural Communication and Conflicts", Die Wille
gGmbH, Germany
Facilitator: Barbara Kuhn
Day 3
Sightseeing: Beskydy Mountains - a trip to Wallachian Open-Air
Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštėm. Visiting Døevėné mėstečko
(Wooden town), Mlũnská dolina (Mill valley) and Valašká
dėdina (Wallachian village).

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Day 4
10am-5pm, including a lunch break
a) "Subcultures: Am I Hip Hop?", Youth Centre Babilonas,
Facilitator: Audrius Jokubauskas
b) "Wedding ceremonies in Europe", Life Together, Czech
Facilitator: Jana Zetkova
Day 5
10am-5pm, including a lunch break
a) "Subcultures: Am I Hip Hop?", Youth Centre Babilonas,
Facilitator: Audrius Jokubauskas
b) "Wedding ceremonies in Europe", Life Together, Czech
Facilitator: Jana Zetkova
Day 6
Feedback round - sharing and reflections session run by
Youth Centre Babilonas, Lithuania

photos >>>
The Bielsko Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre
Bielsko-Biaŗa, Poland,

The Association was founded in 1999 and it groups artists,
pedagogues and culture promoters engaged in artistic
work with children, teenagers, adults and the elderly
from the
socially excluded groups. The Association also runs a
Vocational Rehabilitation Unit - a printing house and
a bookbindery
and Occupational Therapy Workshop. It has published 12
instructive books, organized workshops for about 1500
teachers and adult educators and prepared 8 films.
Grodzki Theatre
Association specializes in artistic educational and vocational
programs, focusing on theatre and visual arts.
Workshop program: "Behind a desk and on the stage"
Let`s make a puppet show and study European literature!
Experimenting with words and objects - paper, fabric
and foil in action. Once upon a time... - storytelling
art of visual narration. Sharing, learning from each
other and creating.
Facilitator: Maria Schejbal - expert in the field of
theatre, author of 6 publications for teachers and educators.
leader (12 year's experience) and trainer. Ashoka Fellow
and Psychodrama Assistant. Coordinator of educational
and cultural programs at the Grodzki Theatre Association.
and coordinator of the CVE project.
Workshop program: "People and trees"
What's the significance of trees in European culture and
human life? Exploring the surrounding world through reading
as well as through the ways we move and sound. Creative
writing and visualization will help together with sharing
our ideas and feelings.
Facilitator: Agnieszka Ginko-Humphries - poet, translator,
arts promoter. Coordinator of educational programs at the
Grodzki Theatre Association. Co-author of the CVE project
and author of the CVE publication. Organizer and facilitator
of a local non-formal group Women's Circle "The Well".
Die Wille gGmbH, Protestant Center for Vocational Training,
Culture and Education of Children and Adolescents
Berlin, Germany,

Die Wille gGmbH has been active in promotion of education,
vocational training, culture and employment in the last
30 years. Its main goals are to support youngsters and
adults in improving their individual occupational chances
and live perspectives. For that a large scale of interventions
and activities for occupational preparation and vocational
training are implemented. Die Wille gGmbH disposes a
special expertise in enhancing key qualifications by using
and artistic instruments. Furthermore, Die Wille gGmbH
is engaged in intercultural and interfaith projects and
cooperates with institutions and representatives of Christian,
Jewish and Moslem faith.
Die Wille gGmbH cooperates at national and international
levels and disposes special expertise in the development
and management of transnational projects.
Workshop program: "Intercultural Communication and Conflicts".
Forum Theatre (according to Augusto Boal) is employed as
a vehicle for exploring and enacting the topics of the
workshop. Role playing: Boundaries, limits and body language;
How do we express our feelings? Can it lead to misunderstandings?
Barbara Kuhn - media and drama educator. She can draw upon
many years of experience in devising and facilitating seminars
and workshops dealing with communication strategies, conflict-management,
applied theatre, storytelling and related topics. Facilitator
of the Grundtvig CVE workshops run by Die Wille gGmbH
Youth Centre "Babilonas"
Vilnius, Lithuania,

The Center is a non-profit, non-governmental organization
established in 1993. It is one of the most popular places
for non-formal education of young people from all over
Lithuania. All activities are based on communication and
active participation, self-expression and own initiative:
youngsters may experiment and realize their ideas using
different forms of arts and their own creativity. Young
people come to "Babilonas" to spend their free time, to
take part in "Week on arts" and other activities. "Week
on arts" is daily program of non-formal education for high
school students (15-18). The whole class comes to "Babilonas"
for one week to have artistic workshops with professional
artists and present outcomes of their work every Friday
to their friends, parents, schoolmates and local community.
"Babilonas" runs Volunteers club, responsible for all the
events here and organizing projects themselves. Young people
can also participate in different intercultural projects
(around 70 intercultural youth exchanges so far), EVS activities
and Euro Med programs. Since 2004 - seminars and trainings
based on arts and youth non-formal education for teachers
and other adults groups.
Workshop program: "Am I Hip Hop?"
The workshop intends to create a possibility to get closer
to urban subcultures through personal experience. Theory
combined with practice, images with moves - a chance
to overcome some inner barriers.
Facilitator: Audrius Jokubauskas - Hip Hop dancer and dance
teacher (6 years), journalist in urban culture and human
rights areas (ex-editor-in-chief of a urban culture magazine),
co-founder of 2 dance schools, and event organizer for
youth and families. Present: farmer/cheese maker and nature
Life Together
Ostrava, The Czech Republic,

Life Together is a Czech-Roma organization with 53 employees,
about half Roma and half Czechs. It carries out several
grass-roots projects in the Roma neighborhoods in the town,
including field social work, advise centre, training programs
for mothers/parents to be empowered to support their children
at school, support for adult Roma (to complete secondary
schooling and find employment), Roma Community Centers
(leisure activities for children, youth and adults), confidence
building projects (to change police-Roma distrust, bring
the police to provide equal treatment to all victims of
crime irrespective of their ethnicity, to improve prison
conditions), human rights work (to end the segregated schooling
Roma children, to obtain apologies and compensation for
the Roma women who are victims of coercive sterilization,
to bring an end to the excessive removal of children from
their parents to institutional care for the sole reason
of poverty, to stop the municipal deportations of Roma
families to other localities.
Workshop program: "Wedding ceremonies in different EU
Let us find out about customs and traditions related to
the wedding ceremony in different EU cultures (Roma, Czech,
possibly others). Let us become a bride, a groom, their
parents and other wedding guests
Learning and theatre
Facilitator: Jana Zetkova - group leader, community worker
for Life Together, dancer of Roma traditional music. 9
years experience of working with Roma adults, teenagers
and children. Educational background: special pedagogy.
EST - Lifelong Learning Centre
Wadowice, Poland,

EST Education Centre is a Polish informal education provider
for youth and adults founded in 1994. EST works in the
following fields: foreign language courses, communication
skills courses, ICT workshops, ICC training, R&D projects,
evaluation of educational programs, transnational cooperation
in the field of informal and non-formal continuing education.
Based on the above expertise and network of contacts, EST
leads the Evaluation Plan and the Dissemination Campaign
in the CVE project.
Other Documents:
Form Grundtvig >>>
Course Programme >>>
For Berlin And Beskydy Mountains >>>
Grundtvig Course >>>
Grundtvig Information >>>