Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting
the needs of vulnerable social groups

Life Together
Creating recepy of traditional Roma food
Subject of the unit |
Competences (key Lisbon competences) |
Practical skills |
Pedagogical aim |
Methods |
Didactic materials |
Duration and date |
Recepy to "marikle" |
Competence n. 1
Put in writing the recepy to "marikle"
The aim for the participants is to learn how
to constructively use free time and improve the
ability to express themselves ieffectively in the
native language verbally as welll as in writing |
The use of the methods that will lead to seberealisation
íof the participants - support, motivation etc. |
Literature - "The cook book from our village"(Kuchaøka
na¹í vesnice) |
3 hours (3 times 45 minutes)Date: 5th May.2008 |
1. A description of the activities
undertaken during the unit, including comments on
the reactions of the group/individual participants
a. The activity reacts on the interest
of the participants to present Roma traditional and
nontraditional cuisine to the public
b. Discussion - talking about the needs
of the group in this field, listning to the suggestions of
the participants - for example on creating Roma cook book.
c. We focused on the needs of the group.
We discussed not only Roma food but also a Czech cuisine.
The cook book uncovered many untraditionall recepies, however
we are not planning to use them in the Roma cookbook that
we plan. This book will only serve as a concept of structure
to the cookbook.
Many of the participants came with their own recepies , which nobody else had
heard of. The decided it woíuld be the best to start with traditional Roma
food , that was why we started with the recepy on "marikle".
d. The group concluded that at the next
session they will use the computer to puit the recepy into
the written form. This enables the participants to be learning
the basdics on the computer at the same time.
e. The next seminar was scheduled for 9th
May 2008
2. Was the aim of the unit
achieved (the implementation of practical skills
and the pedagogical aim)?
All the attendees participated on discussion and explained
to the others their suggestions on the food which should
be included in the planned cookbook. We could detect
the differences in the way of presentation of the idea
in front of the public (the rest of the group), some
participants espressed their thoughts more coherently
asnd briethly than others ,however overall, each of
the participants was able to give a detailed explanation
to the nature of the food and the recepy in a way so
everzbody else understood it.
We did not try the ability of the participants to put the thoughts in writing
because that task is scheduled for the next session.
Very important was the decision on creating Roma cookbok,
because that will mean we will gradually be working
on developing key competencies - expressing of the
ideas in native language on the upcoming sessions.
3. Other remarks (for example
on the group and the interaction between artistic
and educational elements)