2nd report

Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting the needs
of vulnerable social groups

o.s. Vzájemné soužití ( Life Together)
30th April 2008
Please describe the profile of
the group and the recruitment process
The profile of a group: socially
excluded individuals from Ostrava location (Ostrava / Marianske
Hory), age 18 - 60, mainly women and some men. Common features
- Roma origin, mostly women on maternity leave and unemployed
people who struggle with existential problems and have
experiences with discrimination and social exclusion.The
life standard of the participants is low as a result of
lower level of education. These people have finished only
a basic school and that is the main reason why they face
difficulties on the employment market. Some of the participants
have serious problems with reading and writing and this
fact contributes to their low self-esteem. Lower level
of self-esteem and lack of faith in their own abilities
is the main reason why they never participated in any educational
course, workshop or any other form of education, which
would contribute to their personality development, in the
past. This group needs to meet in a friendly atmosphere,
to be comfortable and safe and to feel that others respect
them and believe in their abilities. If these preconditions
are met, it is possible to work with this group, indicate
the needs of its participants and achieve some success.
We have been successful so far.The group agreed that they
would like to somehow express their feelings, present their
culture, habits and also Roma history. They would like
to point out the problem of discrimination in today's society
in their natural artistic way. With the use of dramatization
they would like to improve not only their communication
abilities but also their overall knowledge. The aim is
to present the Roma culture to the public and at least
reduce the deep rooted negative feelings of the majority
towards their community.The group of participants has internally
separated into three sub groups.The first sub group chose
dramatization field. Throughout dramatization its participants
will present Roma history, culture and habits to the public.
The drama is placed in the real historical context. It
is a love story that takes place after the second world
war. The authors of the story will take the audience to
the traditional Roma family named Haluseks and also to
the farm in the countryside owned by a wealthy family of
Novak's. It is the story about love, self-sacrifice, harshness
of the Roma life at that time and discrimination. Since
the parts of the story are also dances and songs of traditional
Roma music, the group agreed that it would be important
to learn how to sing. Therefore, they have been also practicing
their singing abilities with the experienced musician.
The second group is interested in the craftwork. They will
learn new techniques, procedures and knowledge of working
with the certain material and the skills they will learn
they might be able to imply at their future job. The final
product - the properties will bring the feelings of self
realisation and it will be used in the upcoming dramatic
performance of the first group. The third group has decided
to create Roma cookbook. The participants would like to
present their gastronomic skills and show the traditional
Roma cuisine to the public. This group wants to learn the
basics with the computer, so they can write the recipes
on the computer and print them for the book. The last two
groups are also very interested in the planned drama and
they will attend the performance in order to support their
colleges. All the groups are communicating and helping
one another. The participants from the last two groups
give the suggestions to those who are proceeding with the
drama, however at this moment they do not feel comfortable
and confident enough to take a part in the scenes.
Prosím popište hlavní activity,
ke kterým došlo v této fázi projektu:
1. Meeting with the participants (31st
March 2008)
2. Presentation of Roma culture (1.
and 9th April 2008)
3. Learning about how to take advantage
of the voice (11th April 2008)
4. Meeting with the professor who is responsible
for the art part, determining the needs of the group in this
field (18th April 2008)
5. Creation of the Love story (21st April
6. Individual singing lesson (25th April2008)7.
Craftwork - working with tempera paints (28th April 2008)
Please describe any problems or
difficulties at this stage of the project and the actions
taken to overcome them
All the participants are very enthusiastic about the project.
However, the attendance of some of them is very irregular.
It is probably due to the fact that many of them do not
realize that such participation on the course means certain
responsibilities on their side. . On the other hand , every
missing participant always apologize at the next session
for not coming and explain the reason why they were not
able to attend, which we consider as the developing sense
for responsibility. In the most cases participants cannot
attend because they do not find anybody to watch their
children at the time of the course session..
Therefore we have decided to try to either have one person assigned to watch
all the children at the time of session or move the activities to the location
where they live whenever we do not need any material or tools to be used.
In what way did the educational
and artistic activities interact?
Painting creativity is an educational feature of the human
being, it means it does not have to be only an artistic
expression. With the help of experience professional the
participants will improve in painting and overall artistic
field. All the workshops were designed as inosculation
of art painting and the ability to verbal expression. It
has combined all together visual sensation, painting imagination
and communication.
How did the arts-based educational
activities help the participants to:
a) acquire certain competences and skills
b) facilitate knowledge assimilation (learning
specific information)
Please give some specific examples.
So far the activities helped the
participants to improve :
1. Overall knowledge about Roma minority
- the way of living , history of Roma people, the situation
during and after the second world war
2. Cultural, social and civic competences
have been developing as well as communication in the mother
tongue (Lisbon key competences no 1, 6 and 8).
3. Expressive and theatrical skills -
beneficiaries have been improving their abilities to express
their feelings to the society with the help of art
4. Self-esteem and the faith in oneself
has been slowly increasing
Please reflect on progress made
by individual persons (for example, increased motivation
of a reluctant learner or better social skills of a shy
All the beneficiaries engaged in the project have been
very enthusiastic so far and we strongly hope that they
will keep up their energy and determination to take a part
in these interesting activities.
workshops 28.04.2008 >>>
workshops 02.05.2008 >>>
workshops 05.05.2008 >>>