REPORTS - POLAND - 2nd report

Cultural Vehicles in Education

Grodzki Theatre Association
15th April 2008
Please describe the profile of the group and the
recruitment process
Profile of learners: people
with physical and mental disabilities and senior citizens,
aged 23-75, men and women (in equal proportions). They
include beneficiaries with motor skill disabilities, mild
mental disabilities, blind people, mentally-ill people
as well as elderly citizens.16 participants were recruited
in October, but only 7 decided to commit themselves to
attend the course. Other participants stayed for a few
classes as to see how they felt about the course, but due
to their mental and psychological constraints did not decide
to stay. Two new participants joined the group in December
and three participants in January. The total number of
participants is 12.Some beneficiaries work at our Vocational
Rehabilitation Unit (a Printing House and Bookbindery),
others are unemployed. They are people who feel socially
excluded and often lack motivation to introduce changes
into their lives. They spend their free time at home with
little to do and no-one to visit. Most of them have a low
level of education and no experience of further education
courses. The few that finished universities or did A-levels
bring their knowledge and expertise into the class, giving
encouragement to the rest of the group.Expectations: they
want to spend their free time in an interesting way, learn
things useful in life, gain some knowledge and find friends.
We recruited beneficiaries from our Vocational Rehabilitation
Unit, from daily care centres for mentally-disabled people
and from senior citizens clubs. At the recruitment stage
we decided to mix the educational activities with the artistic
ones so that the educator and the artist were both present
at the first few workshops. On 15t October we organized
our first recruitment workshop - a combined education and
theatre class with Piotr and Jan, our instructors, assisted
by our monitoring expert, Renata. It was attended by 10
beneficiaries (out of 16 on the registration list). The
next recruitment workshop took place on 29th October, and
regular classes started on 5th November 2007. We also recruited
in December to achieve the planned size of the group.
Please describe the main activities
taken at this stage of the project
1) implementing pilot workshops: February,
March up to 15th April - two separate modules: the educational
one (4 hours a week) and the artistic one (4 hours a week),
closely related
2) holding progress meetings of CVE team:
instructors, monitoring experts, project coordinator
3) updating the project's website -
(partner reports, photos, descriptions)
4) A monitoring visit to Ostrava (3rd
March) - a meeting of the Polish and Czech team, including
monitoring experts/researchers
5) Working on the programme of the CVE
conference together with Babilonas, Lithuania
6) Monitoring the implementation of pilot
workshops in partner countries (reports, phone enquiries,
e-mails, visit to Ostrava).
Please describe any problems or
difficulties at this stage of the project and the actions
taken to overcome them
The main problem was the diversity of the group - different
mental abilities of participants. The beneficiaries with
mental disabilities and mental illnesses sometimes withdrew
from group activities, especially if they involved gathering
information (looking for specific information in a text
or comprehension exercises). Instructors tried to introduce
pair work or work in small groups, which improved the situation.
Special tasks were devised to interest and motivate those
learners, for example doing puzzles - putting together
pictures of 10 famous lovers in European history, which
was entertaining and relatively easy for people with mental
constraints, and made them more focused. Slides were used
very often during educational classes to illustrate some
pieces of information and help with knowledge assimilation.
Physical exercises were introduced during theatre workshops
- games, fencing, marching, etc. They made all participants
more active and improved their self-esteem. This method
was especially effective for the participants with mental
disabilities and mental illnesses, who were as good at
physical tasks as the others and therefore felt encouraged
to try other tasks. Another way of motivating vulnerable
learners was to present their past and present achievements
to the group. An animated film "Romeo and Juliet" made
a few years ago during our Socrates project "Animated
Debate" by one of the participants with mental disabilities
was shown during an educational workshop, and it boosted
his self-esteem. A mentally ill person read his own poems
to great applause of the group. Another person with mental
disability, who is quite quiet, performed a lead role in
a play presented to the group by the Occupational Therapy
Workshop (she attends a theatre class there). This made
an impact on her position within the group who became more
interested in her theatre skills and experience.There is
also a visually impaired participant in the group, but
she is always accompanied by her friend, another participant,
who reads texts to her and explains the pictures. She is
an active and outspoken member of the group, who makes
interesting comments and gives feedback to the instructor.
In what way did the educational
and artistic activities interact? Please give some specific
1. A common theme was developed to co-ordinate
the educational units with the artistic units (knowledge
on our partner country Lithuania). The instructors decided
to prepare a play on the history of the foundation of Vilnius
in the Middle Ages and the educational units provided information
used in the artistic ones - material for the performance.
Thanks to the work on the play, the participants acquired
some specific information on Lithuania, which was revised
every week through theatre rehearsals.
2. Other subjects studied during the
educational units were always revised during the artistic
units (the instructor asked the group to sum up what they
had learned).
3. Elements of art were often introduced
into the educational workshops to make the information
discussed interesting for the participants, especially
those with mental constraints - for example slides were
used to present drawings of Bruno Schultz - the Polish
writer and artist, when the group was learning about his
literary work. Also, pictures of European paintings were
often shown, for example with the connection to famous
European figures (Romeo and Juliet, Dante and Beatrice,
Tristan and Isolde, Chopin and George Sand, Sigfrid and
Brunhilda and others).
4. Preparing the play on Lithuania made
the participants more sensitive to the historical truth
and political sensitivity in the context of Polish-Lithuanian
relations, which had a great educational role.
How did the arts-based educational
activities help the participants to:
a) acquire certain competences and skills
b) facilitate knowledge assimilation
(learning specific information)
Please give some specific examples.
The development of learning, social and cultural competences
was maintained - Lisbon Key Competences no 5, 6 and 8,
as planned in the project. In terms of learning to learn,
all adult learners developed their self-belief and self-value,
curiosity towards the world, the ability to summarize information
and they focused on goals and aims. Even during reading
and understanding the prose of Bruno Schulz, Polish early
20th century writer and artist, which turned out to be
a difficult task for most of them, they remained open-minded
and curious about his work and were able to point out some
positive aspects of it: "surprising, rich language,
poetic, interesting, full of colours, light, shadows, and
sounds". All group members have spoken publicly during
discussions at the educational workshops and have taken
part in theatre exercises, and most are not afraid of asking
for support, if they need it. As for social competences,
an understanding of codes of conduct and customs in the
Middle Ages enabled them to reflect on the norms in their
own society. Through preparing a theatre production on
Lithuania, which will be presented on the main square of
Bielsko-Biala in May during the International Festival
of Puppetry Art, they started to see themselves more as
parts of their community and society as well as Europeans.
They developed particular skills such as: the ability to
negotiate, participating in different groups and taking
on different roles, the ability to relate current events
to historical ones and the ability to show some common
heritage in the EU. Cultural competences were acquired
during numerous theatre activities in which every single
member of the group has participated. Even reluctant participants
(persons with mental disabilities, elderly people) were
persuaded to work on their self-expression and performed
various scenes. The ability to make use of culture to learn
some information and present it publicly was acquired during
many rehearsals of the play on Lithuania. The readiness
of the group to do a performance during the International
Puppetry Festival shows a high level of cultural competences.
The beneficiaries were involved in all stages of preparing
and planning out their performance - writing the script,
acting out individual scenes, rehearsals, discussions on
the historical realism versus symbolism and on humorous
convention versus a serious one, organizing the space in
the performance, designing and preparing puppets, stage
decorations, props and costumes.
Also, additional Lisbon competences no 1, 3 and 4 were
developed: communication in the mother tongue (participating
in discussion, public presentations, making notes, creating
literary works: prose and drama, better understanding of
a variety of texts), basic competences in science and technology
(seeing science as a foundation of technology, being able
to recognize some advantages and threats of scientific
progress, for example TV and internet) and digital competences
(the ability to edit materials). The most interesting way
of developing the understanding of science as a foundation
of technology (basic competences in science and technology)
was learning about the Great Discoveries and sailing. Through
watching illustrations and discussing different types of
European ships from different centuries the group could
see how much knowledge was needed to build them and to
improve their technology. By charting their own sailing
courses in the sea they also grasped how much mathematical
and geometrical knowledge is necessary for navigation.
b) The participants learned some historical,
geographical and social facts on Lithuania and used the
acquired knowledge to write the script for their production.
Certain information which was incorporated into the final
text of the script rehearsed every week will be well remembered
by everyone: the change of the Lithuanian capital from
Trakai to Vilnius, the legend on the archpriest Lisdejko,
including the role of an archpriest in the Middle Ages,
the life of prince Gedyminas, the Lithuanian name "Vilnius" (as
opposed to the Polish name "Wilno" used by Poles),
the historical costumes worn in the Middle Ages. The group
also acquired information, used in the theatre production,
about animals, which lived in the Middle Ages, especially
aurochs (wild, forest animals from the ox family, protected
in the Middle Ages in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth,
which died out in 17th century). This knowledge was essential
for the play they were working on and made it possible
to make the performance more historically true.
Another way of helping with knowledge assimilation was
to ask the participants to tell different literary stories
in their own words, making up new versions, for example
each member of the group devised one sentence of a story
of Romeo and Juliet (based on Shakespeare but with creative
changes, some relating the events to nowadays). Historical
maps were used to present the Great Discoveries in the
16th century, which allowed the group to understand how
much there was to discover. During the same unit they learned
to chart their own sailing course in the sea, which was
a very challenging task with symbolic significance - sailing
and great discoveries relate to the self-discoveries and
efforts undertaken by the workshop participants. Although
at the beginning of the task the group panicked, through
pair work supervised by the instructor, every single person
drew their own sailing course and the atmosphere at the
end of the task was euphoric.In preparation for the performance,
fencing was practiced and learned by all members of the
group, which improved the physical and psychological well-being
of mentally-ill participants suffering from periods of
Please reflect on progress made
by individual persons (for example, increased motivation
of a reluctant learner or better social skills of a shy
The workshops increased the motivation to learn of all
participants, which is the greatest success - at the moment
100% of participants declare that they will complete the
course (there are still 2,5 months of workshops ahead of
them). The average attendance from 1st February to 1st
April was 76%. A few new people from socially vulnerable
groups came to the workshops as observers, but they did
not decide to join the course.
A physically disabled lady on a wheelchair and a visually-impaired
lady became more physically active during the theatre workshops.
They both fenced skillfully with the instructor to a great
applause of the group, which boosted up their confidence
and self-belief. A mentally-disabled young person, who
sometimes gets a bit behind with the activities, mastered
the art of fencing very well through practicing it at home,
and performed his skills in front of the group getting
lots of positive feedback.
The educational classes used the elements of art to develop
positive attitudes towards learning: being open to the
world, curiosity, courage to express oneself, creativity,
self-confidence and communication skills. This manifested
itself through stories, scripts, poems, drawings and music
created by the participants. The exercise of thinking up
other episodes to the legend about the foundation of Vilnius
(the story of archpriest Lisdejko and Prince Gedyminas)
got three senior citizens so involved that after the class
they walked home together developing and creating the story
all the way. Two of them are elderly people, who never
attended further education classes before, and one attended
a psychiatric centre and feels a bit "different" from
other people, so their involvement marks significant progress
in their willingness to learn, to communicate with others
and be creative (social and cultural competences and learning
to learn).

- 07.02 and 11.02.2008 >>>
from pilot workshops >>>