- POLAND - 3rd report

Cultural Vehicles in Education

Grodzki Theatre Association
15th July 2008
Please describe the main activities
taken at this stage of the project
1) implementing and completing pilot workshops:
15th April - 30th June - two separate modules: the educational
one (4 hours a week) and the artistic one (4 hours a
week), closely related.The main subjects: Roma culture
and traditions,
Fairytales, Acting techniques (rehearsals for two public
performances), European theatre traditions (puppet animation,
construction of a theatre, stage props), European philosophy
traditions (Greek philosophy, schools of logics), Great
Discoveries and European Sailing (continuation), Revision
2) holding progress meetings of CVE team: instructors,
monitoring experts, project coordinator
3) updating the
website - (partner reports, photos,
descriptions, conference)
4) Preparing the agenda and running
partner's meeting in Berlin (12-13 June 2008)
5) A monitoring
to Ostrava (7th May 2008) - a meeting of the
Polish and Czech team, including monitoring experts/researchers
6) Working on the programme of the CVE conference
together with Babilonas, Lithuania and on the recruitment
of Grundtvig
funding applicants
7) Monitoring the implementation
of pilot
workshops in partner countries (reports,
phone enquiries,
e-mails, visit to Ostrava).
The pilot workshops finished at the end of June 2008,
according to the schedule, after the planned 256 hours
of workshops took place. The final integration meeting
took place on 4th July, when the participants received
diplomas, chatted to CVE staff and grilled some food. The
workshops were completed by 11 participants out of 12,
which is a high score of 91 % of learners.
Please describe any problems or difficulties at this stage
of the project and the actions taken to overcome them
main problem was the tiredness of the group after half
a year of intensive work - meeting twice a week since
November 2007. They complained that they had to do some
tasks ("Oh,
no! Writing again!"), but stopped mentioning that they
couldn't do it or were not good at it, which marks a
change in their self-esteem. The group became quiet anxious
their first public performance and had to be given some
relaxing and integrative exercises like singing Polish
campfire songs or acting out a humorous scene from Brothers
Grimm fairytale "Musicians from Bremen", where animals
- amateur singers - successfully perform. It also helped
them to watch a performance by another group run by Grodzki
Theatre, who are more experienced and professional.
In what way did the educational and artistic activities
interact? Please give some specific examples
During the educational unit the process of learning was
supported by numerous artistic activities, for example:
acting out scenes from European literature, reading and
writing rhymed poems about European culture and the CVE
workshops, writing the Defense of Socrates and performing
it (one person was Socrates' solicitor and the group -his
accusers), playing Roma travelers and spinning a story
of their journey, looking at slides and albums of European
painting (Van Gogh and Klimt - volunteer presentations
by individual participants), watching and discussing Chaplin's
film "The Lights of a Big City", singing traditional sailing
hymns (shanties) and many other creative tasks. The instructor
who was running artistic workshops always asked the participants
to summarize what they learned during the educational meeting.
His workshops in April, May and June consisted mainly of
planning, preparing and rehearsing for two public performances,
making decorations, costumes and stage props. The instructor,
however, introduced some knowledge on European theatre
traditions, for example an exercise of making up a story
which takes place in a theatre building using as many words
connected with theatre as possible.
How did the arts-based educational activities help the
participants to:
a) acquire certain competences and skills
b) facilitate knowledge assimilation (learning specific
Please give some specific examples.
The development of learning, social and cultural competences
was maintained - Lisbon Key Competences no 5, 6 and 8,
as planned in the project.
In terms of learning to learn the participants became
much more active during the workshops and started proposing
and carrying out some tasks like looking up texts of traditional
Polish songs on the internet and practicing singing them
together, reading out various information and fairytales.
The group became very eager to continue the workshops and
thanks to additional financing obtained by Grodzki Theatre
they will be able attend educational classes in a new project
till 30th October 2008. The programme, proposed by the
group members, involves trips to galleries and museums,
visiting a theatre building and meeting with actors, history
of sport (from the Greek Olympic Games to nowadays), local
and family traditions and creating a collection of Polish
songs. The willingness of the group to continue learning,
even throughout the summer holidays, is a visible, positive
result of CVE project.
As for social competences, participating in regular group
meetings with friendly and safe atmosphere opened up most
reluctant and shy learners. All participants contributed
during discussions and most of them decided, spontaneously,
to prepare presentations of their interests and shared
their knowledge and passions with the others taking prominent
positions as group leaders. The presentations varied in
terms of subject and form - from informal talks on Lithuania's
places of interest and looking at photos of old theatre
workshops to mini exhibitions and poetry readings and animated
discussions on paintings by Klimt and Van Gogh.
Cultural competences were acquired during numerous theatre
activities in which every single member of the group participated.
Two public performances took place in May and June 2008.
On 26th May 2008 during the annual Festival of Small and
Big organized by Grodzki Theatre the CVE group presented
a play "Gedyminas Dream". They had been working
on the performance for the last few months and it was a
great success. The performance took place in the old market
square in Bielsko-Biała, where the Festival guests gathered.
The CVE group presented themselves in interesting costumes
and decorations, including the auroch (medieval ox), which
they prepared themselves. During the Festival Grodzki Theatre
hosted another CVE group from Ostrava, Czech Republic,
run by Life Together. The second performance took place
on 28th June 2008 on Chrobry Square in Bielsko-Biała during
the Days of 11 Listopada Street organised by the Town Council.
The members of the group also took part in the inauguration
parade of the International Puppetry Festival on 24 May
2008, dressed up in their costumes and animating the animals
they made (the ox-auroch and the iron wolf).
b) The main area of study in the last two months of workshops
was European philosophy. The educator, whose background
was in philosophy, decided to share some of his passions
with the group. The subject, although very challenging
and demanding, was met with great interest. After introductory
information on famous thinkers, the group learned how to
use philosophy in practice: challenging false arguments,
seeing throught the language of advertising, being able
to defend one's position. Each participant had to argue
a case in front of everyone, and even learners with mental
disabilities wrote down and performed their scenes. Serious
as well as humorous situations were practiced, including
a brilliantly acted out defense of cannibalism by a leader
of a tribe of man-eaters, who was trying to convert missionaries
to his way of life.Towards the end of the course the focus
shifted to revisions and organization of knowledge. The
participants all agreed to be filmed during a revision
workshop, which run in a form of a journey through the
entire programme, eagerly embarked on by the group.During
the last two meetings personal interviews were conducted
by the Coordinator and Head of the Monitoring team, in
which the participants shared with what they learned and
achieved as individuals during the workshops.
Please reflect on progress made by individual persons
(for example, increased motivation of a reluctant learner
or better social skills of a shy participant).
Personal growth and transformations manifested
themselves very visibly through the prepared theatre performances.
Although some members of the cast tried to get out of the
play by missing key rehearsals or being very uncooperative
and pessimistic about the production, the group managed
to have their premiere during the Festival of Small and
Big in May 2008 on the main market square of Bielsko-Biała.
The actors became so motivated by their achievement that
they decided to add extra scenes to their second performance,
which took place in June 2008 in the centre of the town.
Some participants who didn't take part in the first show
were brave enough to perform, for the first time in their
Workshops 21.04.2008 >>>
Workshops 28.02.2008
and 19.06.2008 >>>
Photos/Videos from
pilot workshops >>>