REPORTS - LITHUANIA - 3rd report

Cultural Vehicles in Education -
assisting the needs of vulnerable social groups

Youth centre "Babilonas"
15 July 2008
For the 3rd report. Period of April 16 - June 18
The group
There were some changes in the group. Today we have 23
people on the list. 12 of them are following since the
beginning of the course. During this period 3 new persons
entered the group and finished the course.
Age of participants
24-62. There are:
- 5 unemployed (2 persons from 7 got
job during the course period)
- 2 retired women.
During the whole process there was woman which missed
only 2 workshops of 40. During this period 2 women joined
the group after long-lasting depression. They mentioned
that they were eager to attend the workshops, which provided
them with opportunity to stay apart of their problems and
see things in a different way.
We still faced the natural
changes in the group list, but haven't had to make any
efforts to find new participants, because they were coming
themselves knowing about our project through their friends.
System of running workshops
As before, since February 7, the workshops
took place 2 times a week every Monday and Wednesday.
8-15 persons participated in one workshop, which start
at 18.30 and finishes at 22.00-23.00 h.
We prolonged
the duration of workshops, because of the longer daylight
period. So, participants could stay comfortably without
We still used the premises of Social Centre in
district once a week Several workshops took place in
an open air. On May 17 we organized the educational trip
Kapciamiestis, to get acquainted with the story of
Emilija Pliater - Lithuanian hero of the rising of 1831.
pilot workshops finished at the end of June 2008. We
had 210
hours of workshops. The rest 46 hours we plan for the
workshops in the autumn - one week before Vilnius conference
special artistic musical workshop run by artists from
London Guildhall School of Music & Drama, for the
same beneficiaries.
Preparation and meeting in Berlin (12-13 June
Sending materials for project's website -
( report, photos, descriptions, conference material)
on the programme and organizational issues of the CVE
conference together with partners.
Looking for the support for CVE
conference in Vilnius. Meeting officials in Ministry of
Labor and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education and Science
We are following the main structure of the course
programme. Though we made some changes: instead of the
workshop Reflections of European architecture in Vilnius,
we have implemented a course of 3 workshops Book as a source
for spiritual and technical expression.
During the period of April 16 - June 18 we implemented
following courses:
Culture as an Iceberg. Art as a Chance in the Perspective
of Intercultural Misunderstanding
- Social profit of social
diversity in intercultural cooperation and collaboration
Telling stories in intercultural dialogue
- Exploration
of intercultural understanding and misunderstanding by
the means of philosophical, critical and creative thinking
and so called method of Moral Imagination.
- Intercultural
learning. Learning about and discussing differences.
Getting acquainted with youth subcultures. Trying graffiti
techniques, "robot" dancing.
Woman in European history
- Learning and discussing Jean
d'Arc, Bobolina, Emilia Plater figures and historical background.
- Educational trip to Kapciamiestis, to get acquainted
with the story of Emilia Plater - Lithuanian hero of the
rising of 1830-31.
- Acting out etudes/scenes based on books,
poems and plays on Emilia Plater.
- Discussing femininity
and heroism in different cultures and époques.
The concept of HOME in different cultures. Reflection
of personality in creating the own interior
- Get acquainted
with traditional interiors of different continents.
- Reflecting
upon the interaction of rational and creative aspects in
setting up the living environment
- Practicing decoration
of youth centre Babilonas interior, creating several patches
on the walls of studio.
Nature and Ecology
- Learning about bird watching in British
tradition and in other countries as a hobby and recreation
- Exploring and discussing birds' image in
art (visual art, choreography), its symbolic meaning. Watching
and discussing film "Migrating Birds".
- Creating the picture
of invented bird as a reflection of own personality.
Individual creativity increasing exercises creating works
of art using wastes.
- Verbal expression of ecology perception
in the West European culture
Book as a source for spiritual and technical expression.
Ex-libris as a small miniature. Meanings and importance
of handwriting.
- Learning about the book history. Making
the booklets in Japanese style.
- Writing hieroglyphs. Creating
hand writing compositions.
- Learning about the meaning
of ex-libris. Creating ex-libris.
During this period we have also covered different subjects,
being aware of rhythm of activities and theme centred interaction.
All activities where based on educational and artistic
activities with an intercultural aspect.
Please describe any problems or difficulties at this stage
of the project and the actions taken to overcome them
period was the easiest one. In spite of warm period of
the year and the vacation started, we had more participants
in each workshop than before. New participants came without
our direct efforts. They were invited by beneficiaries,
who had already experienced the quality of the course
and stayed till the end.Beneficiaries became more and more
interested and workshops ended gradually late. They had
questions, were engaged and sometimes we missed the time
for final reflection of the day.Time by time, we had
return to the same topics later, losing some spontaneity,
freshness and emotion of impression.
In what way did the educational and artistic activities
As an example interaction we present one
of the course:
Nature and Ecology
- Learning about bird watching in British
tradition and in other countries as a hobby and recreation
Watching and discussing film "Migrating Birds"
were introduced to the world of birds, bird watching
tradition, scarcely known in Lithuania. The film
"Migrating Birds" was shown and discussed. The astonishing
variety of birds was emphasised by the participants.
During the next workshop they shared that since now they
see much
more birds in their daily life, hear much more bird's
sounds. Laima said that she managed to record the owl's
sound in
her garden and she is eager to record more and more birds.Workshops
were leaded by ornithologist dr.Algirdas Knystautas.
- Exploring and discussing birds' image in art (visual
art, choreography), its symbolic meaning.. Creating the
picture of invented bird as a reflection of own personality.
During the session of Visual Thinking Strategies the art
items with bird images were discussed.After that beneficiaries
were asked to draw invented bird. Each picture was described
by every participant except the author. It was very interesting
to everyone to find out that the remarks on drawing often
fitted well to the author. It helped to see oneself from
apart. It was also a nice way of saying compliments, which
is sometimes not very easy for a shy person both to tell
and to accept
After that beneficiaries were invited to improvise tree
and bird in choreography session by one. In the group they
were creating a bird dance, trying to feel each other and
move synchronically during the improvisation.
Beneficiaries were asked to tell the group their wish
to their own inner bird:
Not to feel like a white crow among others
To fly free
To drop the old feathers, to get stronger
Support other's
To find my own way
During the reflection one of participants told :It was
nice to feel free like a bird. Up to 20 years old I was
uneasy even to address the stranger, even to ask what time
is it. I told to myself: "It's enough. I have to be more
open and flexible".
- Individual creativity increasing exercises creating
works of art using wastes.
After discussing ecological issues participants were divided
into 3 groups and asked to create the compositions, using
different items of waste. Groups were asked to act in three
ways of communication within the group: autocratic, democratic
and anarchistic. They experienced both the different ways
of communication and the creative process. The group of
autocracy created "The Flying Boat", working successfully
under the leadership of one person.The group of democracy
created "Auto Recycling Robot" and experienced the pleasure
of harmoniously working together.The group of anarchy created
separate compositions of each member: "Wedding Bouquet",
"Swing for a Baby", "Tulip", "Robot - the Future Human".
Every group member have been one by himself .
- Verbal expression of ecology perception in the West
European culture.
Participants were divided in 2 groups as representatives
of Green Party and Consumer's Party. They were asked to
improvise the election debates on TV. For preparing they
were provided with printed material on topic. During the
"debate" participants learned to motivate their arguments
and to share their knowledge in front of the group.
How did the arts-based educational activities help the
participants to?
- acquire certain competences and skills;
- facilitate knowledge assimilation (learning specific
During this reporting period the beneficiaries developed
Competences 1, 5, 6, 8.
Competence 1. During the workshops
participants often have to make oral presentations on different
topics, as well as they talk during the theatre improvisation.
We always have verbal reflections during so called last
circle after every workshop, when participants talk about
their knowledge, skills and attitudes, acquired during
the session. We observe gradually developing speaking skills
of participants in front of the group, their ability to
openly express their thoughts and feelings. At this stage
all beneficiaries name this newly acquired competence as
a very important step in their personal development.
Competence 6.1 Interpersonal, intercultural and social.
Competence 8. Cultural expression
Beneficiaries got awareness and understanding of national
cultural identity in interaction with the cultural identity
of Europe and the rest of the world. This competence was
developed during the workshops on the understanding of
different cultures and subcultures. The workshop "Getting
acquainted with youth subcultures. Trying graffiti techniques,
"robot" dancing" was very unexpected and new to the group.
The workshop, led by young break dancer and journalist,
made them change their attitude towards the youth subcultures
existing near them. Some reflections after the workshop:"
It broke the stereotype, that the subculture is something
wrong and representatives of subcultures are dangerous"
; "I became a young person for a while and it made me understand
youth subcultures from inside"
Participants also became more aware of ecology and personal
engagement as the conscious citizen, in solving ecological
problems. They reflected the feeling of being the World
Awareness of the evolution of popular taste and of the
importance of aesthetic factors in daily life, ability
to relate ones own creative and expressive points of view
and manifestations to those of others, a strong sense of
identity, combined with respect for diversity were developed
during the workshops:
- Culture as an Iceberg. Art as a Chance in the Perspective
of Intercultural Misunderstanding
- Woman in European history.
The concept of HOME in different cultures. Reflection of
personality in creating the own interior.
- Nature and Ecology
Book as a source for spiritual and technical expression.
Ex-libris as a small miniature. Meanings and importance
of handwriting.
Competence 5. Learning to learn
After already having had experienced the process, the group
was asked to review the advantages of the project. Answers
- Self perception, deliberation of personality, widening
the diapason of inner possibilities...
- The possibility
to change my life into the positive side.
- I will come
here even in the bad mood and I am sure I will rejoice.
I will be able to act in not standard, way. I know that
it will be good for me here.- The sense of community...
- It is provoking us to do something more than we were
used to...
- It gives us the skill to receive the information,
to look for the information, to enter new earlier unknown
things without fear.
Please reflect on progress made by individual persons
(for example, increased motivation of a reluctant learner
or better social skills of a shy participant).
We are glad about the final reflection of this stage of
the course, which shows the progress evaluated by beneficiaries
- I realized, what can I improve in myself.
- It is very
important that different age groups participate in the
- I am not anymore afraid of being different....
I feel the greatest own progress even in my daily situations.
Step by step something important is happening. I am changing....
I have never dared to do anything like this....I have never
expected to discover so much...
- I have regarded a peace
of art in terms of "Beautiful or not". Now I got a different
- I enjoyed my own feeling. I have experienced
my authentic own......
- I came here more for getting, but it
happened that I have given my own openness....
- I realized
the importance of discussions for understanding certain
peace of art...
- I liked communication best of all; I learned
a lot about the birds - now I look to them with another
understanding; I'd like to observe people now; I became
stronger with your tasks and dance therapy; always the
mood is much better than before after your workshops; I
liked Nomeda very much; everything I met here opened for
me new point of view; I could feel myself as a child sometimes;
such a wonderful learning through pleasure; now I will
be tolerant to subcultures - hip hop is so interesting
now - I even took part in a discussion with my students
about subcultures and very successfully; philosopher was
just great.
- I have released myself; I learned how to talk
in a circle; I overcame my fear; once when I had to play
a teacher during our workshop I felt myself in such a hopeless was horrible; all the time here was very
purposeful; philosopher was the best; I came through all
my life in mind; I liked Nomeda so much; I liked everything...
So much useful; have no words; I liked actors best of all;
I learned how to express myself, I learned about my own
life; last year has been so hard for me, but this communication
and discoveries have helped a lot;
- New people, so pleasant
ones; I haven't met any warring people here; time was so
full and joyful; I liked all the teachers; I liked our
workshop about the birds; I haven‘t missed any workshop...when
you come here, you trust, you relax totally; people were
forgetting their problems;
- I feel happy, that I started
this; very close people; it looks for me that I'm in this
group all my life; I really lack confidence in myself,
but today I feel much stronger; you forget all the "daily
prose" here, only the time was too fast; your otherness
is so nice....
- This project - as a gift for me this year;
the place where I could return to myself and to recover
my own balance; because of people at first; we became friends
- just by chance; so pleasant; everything - like from heaven;
I learned some technique for my interior - I'll use this;
every lesson repeats in myself as an echo, even if its
hard to name it;
- When I started attend this project, I
didn't know why, but today I like the project and myself;
the group is wonderful; I learned to talk in the circle
- it was so terrible for me before; now I feel well; after
every workshop - so many good emotions, I'm studying experienced
things before falling asleep; I liked theatre, Nomeda,
I know what will I make at home myself; I liked ornamentals,
games, I have never thought about life as a game before....that
house is as a castle....
- New close people; like miracle
everything; the only thing I didn't like was dance....I liked
calligraphy, Nomeda, I learned about birds so much; now
I go to my garden to record the sounds of birds....
- My experience
is very similar; so many things were so useful, I have
learned a lot which I have nothing with in my daily life;
philosopher was special for me; our group is so nice -
special feelings as you are coming to meet your friends;
We all are as a friends - it's a pity that I missed so
many workshops. I liked philosopher best of all; I have
been disappointed about professionalism of the painter
who worked with us; I have expected that all teachers be
as philosopher Liutauras, who made big push in my life;
I liked subcultures very much, learned a lot...
- As oasis...for
"water", for warmth and power, for so much...Now I‘m alive
and not always so strict with my own opinion; it was so
nice to meet people of different ages, so pleasant to share...interesting
to face different reactions....
Workshops 06.06 and 18.06.2008 >>>
from pilot workshops >>>
Administrating team
Rolanda Sliaziene
Arune Taunyte
Domas Staniulis
Jurgita Gailiute - actor
Dainius Vengelis - actor
Vida Lipskyte- actor
Agne Lasinskiene- graphic designer
Jonas Gvildys- photographer
Arune Tornau- painter
Saule Lemantauskiene- calligraphist
Nomeda Marèenaite- ceramist
Nijole Vilutiene - graphic artist
Rolanda Sliaziene
Leda Turai - psychologist, coacher
Liutauras Degesys- philosopher
Arune Taunyte
Algirdas Knistatutas - ornithologist