Die Wille gGmbH
Theatre workshop II - 2nd group
Title: "Football with Friends"
The facilitator, who announces the scenes, is performed
by a young man, with a German-Lebanese family background
The German family:
Elvira, the Mother: performed by a German woman.
Nina, the Daughter: performed by a young Polish woman.
Jochen, the son: performed by a young German woman.
a young Turk, the best friend of Jochen: performed
by a young man, with a German-Lebanese
family background.
TV-commentator and talk-show host:
performed by a German man, trainer.
Storyboard: for German version see photos flipchart
Scene 1:
A door bell rings. Mehmet visits Jochen at his home.
The two of them go into the living room, where
Nina is talking on her mobile phone.
Scene 2:
The Mother, Elvira, comes into the living room,
swearing about football, brings food and drinks.
Scene 3:
Mehmet, Jochen and Nina are quarreling about the
TV program, the boys stand up to Nina. She goes
to her mother into the kitchen, complaing about
them. The mother re-enters the scene, swearing
about football again.
Scene 4:
High tension atmosphere in the living room: Mehmet
and Jochen are watching the football game between
Turkey and Germany on TV. They are very excited.
The first goal is scored by the Turkish team.
Nina enters the room and thinks that the goal
was scored
by the German team. Mehmet freaks out, is happy.
Jochen is disappointed.
Scene 5:
The TV-commentator (the actor holds a frame in
front of his face, simulating a TV-screen) and
with increasing tension the progression of the
1:1; 2:1; 2:2 in the 80th minute; 3:2 for the
German team in the 90th minute.
Scene 6:
Nina and Jochen are happy, that "their team" has
won the game. They hug and dance around and are
overjoyed. Mehmet is angry, that his team lost
the game. He cannot share the happiness of his
friend. He refuses the offered food, potato salad,
as a typical German dish: "I hate potato salad".
Jochen cannot understand why his friend does
not share his pleasure. Finally, he also becomes
up and replies: "Scheiss Döner" (bloody doner kebab).
Mehmet leaves the appartment, banging the door.
The TV-commentator: "Fortune favoured the German
Scene 7:
Talkshow at the TV station
The TV-commentator with his guests Mehmet and
Jochen. He tries to mediate between the friends
who became
enemies by watching the football game. Mehmet
and Jochen
make peace, shake hands and hug.
Props: 3 chairs, small table, TV-frame,
mobile phone, German and Turkish flags, basecaps
for the boys,
scarves of the football teams, remote control.