Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting
the needs of vulnerable social groups
To be filled in by the teachers of pilot

Die Wille gGmbH
educational or artistic, if separated - Theatre
workshop I/ 26. - 30. May 2008
Subject of the unit |
(key Lisbon competences) |
Practical skills |
Pedagogical aim |
Methods |
materials |
Duration and date |
Creating little scenes, rehearsing together
in playing different characters and roles, performance
in front of two audiences.
Cultural awareness and
expression (Knowledge
about theatre);
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
in German as the mother tongue or foreign language.
Creating scenes of drama in team work, developing
of characters and learning to play with roles.
Presentation using different methods of acting:
using the voice to express different moods, accentuation
and pronunciation, body language and facial expression. |
Enhancement of creativity and
openness, awareness
of other peoples'
characteristics and
advancement of self-confidence/ self-assurance
and certitude in self-presentation.
Knowledge about
methods of theatre. |
Team- and partner-work; brainstorming;
ups, exercises for concentration and for relaxation;
discussion; presentation and feedback-rounds;drama
and forum theatre; descriptive play.
Flipchart, sheets of paper, pencils; folders
for each participant; severalhand-outs (games,
exercises, song-text)balls, drapery, props, paper-masks,
accessoires;video-camera, monitor, CD-player;
digital-camera,drum. |
5 daysfrom 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
1. A description of the activities
undertaken during the unit, including comments on the
reactions of the group/individual participants
-Introduction into the program of the workshop
(running 5 days), and its aims. The trainer explains
that the
participants will perform the result of the workshop
on the fifth day.
- Check in: How do I feel today, in this moment. Classifying
the answers on a scale (from-5 to+5) on a flipchart.
-Game to get to know each other (some new participants
joined the group), using balls.
- Working agreement (hand-out).
-"change the place" - exercise for body
- Inventing a story using 5 key words (e.g. curly hair,
red, stony, fountain, desperate): Each participant
writes a short story, using the 5 words, then reads
it in front of the group. Feedback and discussion.
-Presenting "frozen images": 2 or 3 participants present
a situation from everyday life in the form of "frozen
image", the audience has to guess the meaning.
-"Grenzen/Boundaries)": An exercise on personal limits,
how far can somebody go without bothering another person?
- Passing on a gesture: Basic exercise for pantomime.
-Check out (with scale). Comparison to the scale from
the beginning.
-Home task: Remember experiences from your childhood
which were very impressive.
Second day
- Check in (with scale)
- Warm up with ball and "Billi, billi, bop".
- Improvisation exercises: Fables from Aesop and newspaper
texts. Reciting the texts and fables with different
- Exercise: "Tongue-twister".
- Exercise "King and Queen": playing with different
kinds of status and hierarchies. Role-playing and learning
to keep one's distance.
- Improvisation exercises: with imagined sceneries,
e.g. at the bakery, the dentist, the hair-dresser a.s.o.
- Rhythm exercise: The participants are standing in
a circle, with closed eyes, clapping the hands, after
some time accompanied by a drum, then they open their
eyes, clap, move their body and sing an African song
"Ayelevi me ku lo mido pa pa ayele"
- Brainstorming: Ideas for scenes, forming the topics/agenda
for the next day.
- Check out and feedback: The participants express
how they feel about the session of today. What could
have been different or better?
Third day
- Check in (like before)
- Rhythm exercise, repetition.
- Preliminary choice of the scenes which are to be
presented in front of the children and adults.
- Building two teams, rehearsing the chosen scenes,
distribution of roles(casting).
- The two teams present their scenes to each other
at the end of the day, positive feedback.
- Check out (like before)
Fourth day
- Check in
- Warm up, body exercises.
- Preparation of the dress rehearsal: The schedule
of the performance, facilitation, set decoration,
props and accessoires, sequencing of the scenes.
- Dress rehearsal, last changes.
- Transport of people and props to the kindergarten,
where the performance takes place.
- Performance (1 hour duration) in front of the audience:
children of the 3rd and 4th class elementary school.
- Interactive communication between actors and
- Feedback
- Transport of props etc. to Die Wille, where the
second performance takes place on the fifth day.
Fifth day
- Check in
- Warm up, body exercises.
- Preparation of the scenery, the props and accessoires.
- Exercises for concentration
- Welcoming of the audience (members of the group
who could not take part in this workshop, staff of
- Performance of the program
- Discussion between the performers and the audience,
- Distribution of the certificates of attendance.
- Buffet with various dishes from different cultures,
prepared by the participants.
2. Was the aim of the unit achieved (the implementation
of practical skills and the pedagogical aim)?
The aim of the unit was achieved. The extraordinarily
lively and motivated participation of the learners
was sufficient proof of this. Shy people lost their
timidity and discovered unknown competences by themselves.
More passive persons were motivated and carried along
by the active ones. The participants gained confidence
in their own potential and were very proud of the work
they had done together - the developing of theatre
scenes by themselves, the performance in front of two
audiences, to act a character which is the quite opposite
of their own. They comment that the trustful atmosphere
made it easier for them to risk something and to communicate
more openly.
For most of the participants this kind of working and
performing was new, and they never had thought to be
able to do this before. They gained new communication
skills and practical knowledge in the field of exercises,
games, warm ups and methods of acting/theatre. Also,
their self-confidence and self-assurance was enhanced.
3. Other remarks (for example on the interaction between
artistic and educational elements)
The artistic and educational elements worked in a
synergetic way in this workshop. The process of learning
can be described as an active and creative one. The
cultural vehicles, like poems, fables, song texts,
little scenes and different methods of acting and performing
helped them to enhance their social and communication
competences and to express themselves better. Simultaneously
their knowledge in the field of theatre became enlarged
and they learned how to use it for their own personal
growth and for effective communication with others.