Simple Computer Animation
One of many computer functions is a possibility to make drawings.
There are graphic programmes available such as MSPaint which can be
found in every computer, and professional painting software applications,
such as Corel, Adobe or Macromedia.
In the "Animated Debate" project during the firs classes which introduced
children and youth into the world of computers, they learnt about MSPaint
programme. This application allows creating pictures in the bitmap
format. The first presentation of this simplest graphic editor was
conducted while working on an animated film. The workshop participants
in one of the group (after they had practiced drawing and pasting the
movement phases in the corner of a notebook) after they had learnt
the most important functions and programme tools, they made a series
of drawings, which presented the subsequent phases of an animated object's
movement. This exercise was simultaneously the first practical application
of the computer to the making an animated film, because the motion
phases drawn in MSPaint were subjected to editing in Ulead Media Studio
Pro programme (the editing process in described in the next chapters).
In this way, first computer animations were made independently by the
workshop participants. Next, more advanced step was to make short animations
with simple plots, using the same tools and the same techniques. Here
is presented the process of creating such an animation.
First computer animation - the workshop layout
Main assumptions
practical introduction into computer basics and its possibilities as
a "drawing pad". In case of participants who have already had
some contact with a computer - checking their actual abilities
to the group's main task - creating an animated film, showing the
basic animations rules
acquires many playful elements, and through visible and attractive
results of work, it encourages to take part in the project
by the workshop participants the MSPaint vector programme
to participants practical basic animation rules - film elements, motion
phases, animation pace, editing, sound, and also showing the
specific character of working on animations
to further intensive work in the project
During the workshop there are created a few seconds long animations
based on simple plots.
Devices and software applied
All frames in an animation area are created in MSPaint programme. It
is a free of charge application, delivered with every operating system
Windows. Therefore it is the most accessible programme which can
be used in work. Each of the workshop participants makes individually
an appropriate amount of drawings in MSPaint programme - bitmaps
which compose the whole film. The pictures are saved with the subsequent
numbers as *.bmp files. These pictures are edited in Ulead Media
Studio programme. In the same programme there is a soundtrack and
final caption added. Editing can be done using any programme to film
editing, equally efficient can be simple software received while
buying a camcorder or a computer graphic card. Ready animations are
saved as *.mpeg or *.avi files.
The course of the classes
Producing simple animations was divided into a few subsequent meetings.
Work on even simplest animation is very arduous. It is also one of
the workshop points - to show, through play at that moment, what
an animator's job is.
The first meeting is dedicated to basic information
connected with computer animation and the most important information
referring to
animations' techniques:
some selected animations and a brief history of an animated film
animation techniques and more detailed description of drawing animation
(the one being the object of the workshop), the film construction
- a frame, twenty fives frames a second, movement phases (what stages
the movement consists of and how to show it)
to MSPaint programme - launching, the most important tools - drawing
a curve line, absorbing the colour, filling with the
colour, brush, airbrush, text tools, picture size adapted to the editing
requirements, saving files as bitmaps.
Second meeting
the topic and plot of the animation
about the order of tasks - the drawings of the subsequent animation
frames (while keeping in mind that every second of a film
consists of about twenty five pictures), possibly drawing the animation
on a piece of paper
a folder where particular film frames are saved, reminding about the
necessity to remember the order of the frames
- the person running the classes makes a few pictures him/herself.
These pictures are joined to make one animation which s/he presents
as an example to show how to make changes effectively, how big the
changes between particular frames can be
- the display of the previously prepared and edited animation - frame
by frame, the comparison of the picture series
example 1 ....
example 2 ....
example 3 ....
example 4
beginning of work on subsequent pictures. Each participant should work
at his/her computer individually, so s/he can focus on drawing
the particular pictures. The constant monitoring is needed to check
whether the pictures receive proper numbers or whether they are saved
in the right folder.
Third and next meeting
work on animations preparing
the ready pictures to the editing programme DigiLab 4.0
the ready animations, in this phase it happens with great instructor's
soundtracks, choosing the sound files
at the beginning and at the end - the editing programme option
Anticipated results
use of MSPaint programme tools
because based on practice, command of the most important computer animation
the skills in using the computer, overcoming fears if there are any
and motivation to further work - the attractive result is seen relatively
the habit of conscientious and well-ordered work on animation