"This project has been funded with support from
the European Commission. This publication reflects the
views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained therein."
National book launches have been organised in all four
countries. Edult educators, local authorities, journalists
and ngo workers were invited to take part in numerous presentations,
workshops, and meetings. If you would like to learn more
about our project or receive the paper version of our publication,
please send us an e-mail:
Spreading the CVE methodology - workshops in Poland

More photos >>>
As more and more authorities from educational and cultural
institutions learn about the CVE project, it is often presented
as good practices. On 17th November in Koszęcin, Poland,
at the EU Funding Fairs, representatives of the Silesian
Regional Government, Department of Culture, presented the
CVE project as a good example of using EU resources for
new initiatives in the field of culture. Another promotional
event will be organised by the Institute of Cultural Studies,
University of Silesia, Katowice - presenting the project
as good practices and distributing different language versions
of the book.
All partners actively use the new methodology. In Lithuania,
the arts-based methods have been introduced into regular
workshop sessions for trainers and teachers organized by
Youth Centre Babilonas. In Germany, Die Wille is using
the CVE methods in a three-year project for educators funded
by the European Social Fund. In the Czech Republic, Life
Together has prepared an EU project where cultural competences
amongst Roma learners will be developed using the CVE methodology.
In Poland, the CVE workshop group (for people with disabilities)
is still working, now funded by the European Social Fund
in "We'll open the world" project, till the end of 2010!