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(English) ARTERY: Art-Education-Therapy

ARTERY: Art-Education-Therapy

Duration: 1 October 2008 – 30 September 2010

Approved total budget (in EURO): 399 340 Euro


Summary: Official website >>>

The ARTERY project creates an e-learning platform through which artists, therapists and educators can share best methods of work with socially vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities, homeless people, immigrants, and all those in need for support. At the end of 2011 you will be able to access films and instructions in English of many artistic activities from five countries participating in the project: Poland, Slovakia, Italy, Finland and Spain. It will be a database which anyone can access for free, and join a European exchange of ideas and good practices. You will also be able to put there your own training/educational materials if you wish, write comments and questions about the materials on the platform.

The Artery project (X.2010-IX. 2012) involves the following activities:
– establishing an open, virtual learning environment (ARTERY platform)
– running theatre and visual arts workshops for socially disadvantaged groups in 5 countries for one year (Poland, Slovakia, Italy, Finland and Spain)
– documenting best artistic, educational and therapeutic methods (filming and description)
– editing and publishing a Manual of Social Competence (book and DVD) based on experience from running arts workshops and therapeutic activities
– organizing a Grundtvig course – an international 6 days course for trainers and therapists working with socially disadvantaged groups (September 2012, Perugia)


Bielskie Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne Teatr Grodzki (Grodzki Theatre), Poland – Coordinator
Divadlo bez Domova (DbD), Slovakia
Key & Key Communications (Key & Key), Italy
Kirkkopalvelut ry (Agricola), Finland
Fundacion INTRAS (INTRAS), Spain
Placówka Kształcenia Ustawicznego (EST), Poland


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any u

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