On 26th May 2008 during the annual Festival of Small and Big organized by Grodzki Theatre the CVE group presented a play "Gedyminas Dream". They had been working on the performance for the last few months and it was a great success.The performance took place in the old market square in Bielsko-Biała, where the Festival guests gathered. The CVE group presented themselves in interesting costumes and decorations, including the aurochs (medieval ox), which they prepared themselves. During the Festival Grodzki Theatre hosted another CVE group - from Ostrava, Czech Republic, run by Life Together (see: Czech pilot workshops)





The Bielskie Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre
Premises - contact address: ul. Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland
Office:ul.Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland ,
Phone: +48 33 497 56 55, 496 52 19Fax: +48 33 497 56 55, mailto: